Diana Prince/Wonder Woman x Reader

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You were a part of the Justice League with your wife Diana. You were the most selfless/reckless out of all the heroes. It scared Diana to no end because she knew one day it would eventually catch up to you. 

(Y/N)- Your Name

(SH/N)- Superhero Name

Warnings- Angst, Mentions of Blood and Injuries, Slight Mention of Death

The fight had just ended and Diana was looking around for you. You hadn't been answering anyone for the last hour. She had wanted to go search for you but she knew that she had needed to stay and fight. Besides it wouldn't have been the first time you had accidentally destroyed your comm. She was trying not to panic but every second that passed without her being able to find you caused the fear and panic to begin to consume her.

"Does anyone have eyes on (SH/N)?" Everyone could hear the panic in her voice even though she tried her best to disguise it. They all began to worry about you as they all responded the same way. They hadn't seen you or heard from you for the last hour of the fight. Diana could feel the tears as they began to fill her eyes. Her mind already going to the worst possibility. She tried to shake the thought from her head but had little success. Another 30 minutes passed before The Flash aka Barry Allen screamed for help. Everyone immediately responded and rushed to where he was. The sight that greeted them broke their hearts. You were bleeding from your head, neck, and stomach, you were covered in bruises, and you appeared to have broken your shoulder and leg. Diana immediately collapsed down beside you. She reached her hand out to touch you but quickly stopped herself. She didn't want to cause you anymore pain than you were already in. 

"(Y/N), you...why...just um just stay awake." She managed to choke out. Your eye sight was blurry but managed to somewhat focus on her. The tears racing down her cheeks broke your heart.

"Hey it's ok. Just a flesh wound." You slurred before a coughing fit took over your body. The taste of blood filled your mouth and black spots began to cover your vision. Diana could see you starting to lose consciousness and tried to keep you awake. 

"(Y/N)! Don't you dare close your eyes. Keep them open. Focus on me. Please! (Y/N)!" Diana began to scream as your eyes closed. You were barely breathing and she knew she had to do something quick to save you but she didn't know what she was suppose to do. She looked around at everyone the plea in her eyes clear. Surely one of them would know what to do. Superman stepped forward.

"We need to take them to the fortress of solitude. Its the only place that has the advanced medical equipment that we would need to give them a fighting chance." Diana nodded her head and picked you up as carefully as she could. She didn't want to cause anymore injuries to the extensive list you already had. Once she made sure she was holding you as carefully yet securely as she could Superman and her both took off. The flight there was silent between them. They were both lost in their thoughts about you. You were the love of Dianas life and Clark considered you family. He cared for you deeply and he was terrified of losing you. Not just because of how much you meant to him but because of how much you meant to everyone. Everyone on the Justice League loved you, Lois, Kara, Jimmy, and so many others thought of you as their family. They had just entered the fortress of solitude when Superman heard your heart stop. He immediately began to panic and so did Diana. He had Kalex quickly take you to where you needed to be and began to try reviving you. It had been a couple of minutes yet all the attempts had been unsuccessful. Diana began to lose all hope and fell to the ground sobs shaking her body. Right now she wasn't Wonder Woman. She wasn't strong, confident, and she wasn't feeling very powerful. Right now she Diana Prince, a woman who was watching her world shatter and turn into dust right in front of her eyes. She was consumed by her grief that she didn't realize that Kalex had managed to somehow get your heart to beat again. Clark immediately got her attention though.

"Diana! Diana! Her heart.. its.. its beating!" He screamed and Dianas head immediately shot up. The tears didn't stop but now there was a new reason for them. She scrambled over to where you were and held your hand in hers.

"Please come back to me my love. I can not do this without you. You are the reason my heart continues to beat and without you there is no light or happiness in my life. Without you there is nothing worth fighting for anymore." Clark stood to the side as he watched and listened to Diana talk to you. He prayed to whatever god was out there that you would recover and wake up, otherwise earth would lose not only one but two of its greatest protectors.

~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~

It had been 2 months and you still hadn't woken up. Thanks to the advance kryptonian technology your body was completely healed. All that was left was for you to wake up. Diana only left your side when she absolutely had to and the rest of League visited when they were able to. Right now Diana along with Clark and Barry were with you. Diana was holding your hand and begging you to wake up telling you how much she loved and missed you. She was starting to feel like you would never wake up and it killed her inside. She always knew that your selflessness mixed with your recklessness would catch up to you, she just thought that maybe she would be able to save you. She bowed her head and began to pray to all the gods and goddesses, especially Aphrodite, to wake you up because she could not continue on without you. You were her light in the darkness that surrounded her and without her light she would eventually succumb to the darkness. You let out a soft groan as your eyes opened slowly. Dianas head shot up. A small smile appeared on her lips as she felt the tears begin to stream down her cheeks. Clark and Barry immediately rushed over to you. You looked over at Diana and saw her crying. You immediately tried sitting up but winced slightly. You were still a little sore and your body wasn't used to moving so quickly after being comatose for 2 months.

"Shit that hurt." You huffed out. A watery chuckle escaped from Dianas lips. She had so many things she wanted to say to you and you had so many things you wanted to say to her. Yet none of it mattered right now because right now you were alive and you were safe. Diana immediately leaned towards you and your lips met in a kiss that was filled with pain, relief, desperation, and most importantly love. There was a lot that you two would have to talk about later but for now you were going to continue to kiss her for as long as you possibly could. Everything else would just have to wait a minute.

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