Imagine you fall in love with Yennefer

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You can remember when society deemed her less than perfect, when her spine was curved and jaw malformed but despite it all you fell in love Yennefer of Vengerberg. You were sure it was those violet eyes that you could drown in every time.

With every friendly whisper you took into love and look you convinced yourself of being adoration, you fell deeper. Falling... what a strange notion because it didn't feel like that, it felt like the aftermath of it all: crashing. She hit you in the chest with a rapid thump of your heart and had your skin prickle with desire to give in.

In the nights where she found comfort in your body innocently laying against her own, you ran trembling fingers over her tanned skin and divulged into a fantasy of happily ever after.

But on one night, she woke up.

"What are you doing?" She slurred as her eyes fluttered open. A fog of confusion drowning her glowing orbs but you simply sat still as if you would suddenly disappear.
"... (Y/N)...".

You were scared, maybe even beyond that. A woman laying with a woman as if a man? It sounded something so enticing yet forbidden.

You knew from a young age you had never thought of a prince upon his stead and as you grew older no sexual attraction was offered to the men that desired you so. But, neither did you feel connected to a girl until Yennefer. So... you ran in fear of losing her.

Through the night, you wondered what image Yennefer had conceived of you. Were you a monster? A deceitful bitch? Were you no longer worthy of-

A knock on your door suddenly rang in your ears, piercing the dead, dark air.

"(Y/N), can I come in?" Yennefer asked as she murmured against the door. She could practically see you curled up in your meagre blankets as you faked sleep.

Without even a reply she entered, her head turned down and hands interlocked on her skirts. You wondered why Yennefer tried to make herself so small when her beauty was so clear. After all, not everything relied on appearance, at least not to you.

"What are you doing here?" You pouted like a child, throwing yourself up from the bed to watch her in the meanwhile.

The girl appeared beyond nervous.

"I-I came to check on you. Why did you run away?", you allowed the silence to drown you.
"I thought we were friends".

"We are!" You quickly reassured as you pulled her down beside you and into your arms. You couldn't have her think you'd leave her, you couldn't even think it yourself.

"Th-Then why did you r-run away?" Yennefer stuttered and slurred.

You released a deep sigh in reply to her question, you didn't run away because you didn't want to be friends, you needed her to know it was the exact opposite. So, you unconsciously pulled your bottom lip between your teeth and shuffled closer to Yennfer.


"Don't talk just..." your lips fell against hers with the death of your words, you didn't want to hold back any longer. And from the way she pushed back -even if slightly- sent shivers down your spine in pleasurable relief.

Hands gripped at your skirt and your fingers tangled in her hair as you simply felt her against you.

Everything you were waiting for was in the palm of your hand... you were gonna make sure it remained there.

☞ ✹ ☜

In the future -when free from the gruelling education you both endured- you were reunited with Yennefer soon after your beautification. You were each other's destiny and how could Tissaia get in the way of that? With Yennefer of Vengerberg leaving for court so you followed, hand in hand as you both fell in love all over again.

Her curved spine and jaw malformation disappeared, her hair now framed her face in ringlets of raven black curls and her eyes... thank the Lord they were the only thing she didn't change, it tethered you to the girl you always loved and immediately found in this powerful mage.

To Yennefer you couldn't become more perfect. Locks of shining, silky (H/C) followed the curve of your pretty features and accentuated the (E/C) of your eyes, your body slimmed and filled out in every inch valued by a partner and you were both a couple to behold with powers unfathomable to your fellow mages.

Nothing could make you more grateful than forever in each other's arms and when you grew tired (which you doubted you would), together you would leave the world you both entered it, hand in hand with only each other, just the way you adored it.

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I know this is my shortest but less is more in some cases. I hope you endured this imagine and continue to read onward, vote and comment.

Thank you xx

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