New friends

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Karkat has already missed his bus by the time he had left the house. He's lucky he only rides it for comfort. He lives only three blocks away from the school so it didn't really matter either way.

As he started walking he saw a boy leave his house in front of him. Karkat only glanced at him before looking down. Unfortunately for him, the boy came out of his house right in front of him.

The boy took out his phone and put on headphones. He began to nod his head, presumably to his music.

Was... was he wearing fucking sunglasses?

I mean, yeah we're outside, but he sun had just risen.

I shouldn't be so judgey. I mean, I guess the sun can still get in your eyes.

He hadn't realized, but this guy walked slower then him. Much slower

Karkat wasn't even that fast of a walker, and he was just a foot or two behind him.

The boy must have noticed because he turned around. Karkat quickly lowered his head, letting his messy bangs fall over his eyes. I was totally staring wasn't I?

The blonde nodded at him and turned around.


"Sup" the boy said nonchalantly.

Karkat could feel his face get hot as he looked up, his head still lowered.

The boy bent down while walking backwards, "Hey? You good there?"

"Yeah, I'm ok," Karkat mumbled, still walking

"So, ah, I am heading the right way to the high school right?" The boy began walking beside Karkat, "sorry, I'm new here,"

"Yeah, it's just up this way" Karkat said. He raised his head, keeping his gaze forward.

"Cool beans, I'm Dave Strider, nice to meet you"

Cool beans? I can't tell if he's trying to be funny, or if he's just that fucking lame.

"Ah, Karkat Vantas, nice to meet you too" Dave stretched out his hand for a hand shake and Karkat nervously took it.

Karkat hates shaking hands, for the sole reason that his hands were always cold. He always hopes that the person he shakes hands with also had could hands, so they don't notice, but of course, this guy had warm hands. He doesn't show any reaction to his hands but he knows that he noticed. Gog, could I be anymore fucking awkward?

Karkat turned his head to look at him "Why'd you move to this shit hole of a town."

"Oh, I was just too cool to go to my other school, I had to go somewhere cooler so people could focus in class," he also turns to face me, "and from the looks of you, your school probably fits the bill,"

What the fuck does that mean?? Does that mean I'm cool? Why do I look cool? Wait, is he flirting? Is he flirting with himself? What the fUCK??

"Oh thanks," Karkat quickly analyzes Dave's face, "Our school is ok."

"Glad to here that," He replied, facing forward again.

Karkat takes this opportunity to look at the rest of Dave briefly before lookin forward agian.

"The school is right up here," Karkat said pointing.

"What's your first class?" Dave said leaning closer to Karkat's face

"Oh, ah, Miss. Carter," Karkat blushed again, realizing how close he was.

"Awesome, me too," Dave faced forwards again, "Mind showing me where the class room is?"

"Sure," Karkat replied Gog, can't this be over? I'm horrible at new people he thought to himself

They walked together to the lockers. And of course, their lockers were five lockers apart.

It's not that Karkat disliked Dave, he just doesn't need anyone else in his life. He has enough friends already. But I suppose he doesn't seem like a total douchebag, if anything a little full of himself.

They walked into Miss. Carters together. They sat at one of the back tables, which would usually be taken by more popular people, but they were pretty early.

"2up kk" Karkat could recognize that lisp anywhere.

(A/N: I will not be doing this his typing quirk other than the 2-s thing because it's easier then trying to read a lisp written out XDXD)

"Hey Sollux" Karkat spat, grinning.

"Who'2 this normie?" Sollux said taking a seat next to me

"Dave strider," Dave jumped in' "I'm new."

"Cool, 2o you two friend2 or are you just following kk around?"

"Yeah, we're friends," Karkat snapped.

"Oh sweet, good to know," Strider chuckled

The bell rang and everyone took a seat, a savior. Now at least I don't have to explain how I made friends with a guy I met 30 minutes ago.

FUCK YOU STRIDER  davekatWhere stories live. Discover now