Chapter 3

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Hoomanss, I wanna apologize! Last chapter, Ahomine didn't appeared!


And when the classes for today is finally over, I could finally sigh. Even though I came from the prestigious school of Rakuzan, I barely passed the exams and things that could qualify me. And now, I could hardly follow up with the lessons. Especially, the subject I hate the most, Math. I crossed my hands and put them I'm my desk, resting my head on it. Suddenly, the bright pink girl walked up to me and smiled. "{Name}-chan! You said you want to join our club right?" She asked. "Yes of course. And then?" I confusedly asked.

"Let's go to the gym! The others are probably there already." She said, posing in a thinking position. 'Others? Does she mean the members?!' I excitedly thought while I just nodded my head in excitement. "I've already informed our coach. And you know what? Guess who's our coach!" She smiled at me. "Momoi-san! Of course I don't know! I just transferred here!" I told her in a pouting manner. She giggled and made a peace sign. "Hehe! Sorry, {Name}-chan. And you know, it's Katsunori-sensei!" She smiled. "That's kind of surprising..." My lips parted ways for a while as an impression of shock.

But when I did the action, I felt like our classmates started whispering to each other, especially the boys. And looks like Momoi-san noticed it too. She sighed and dragged me out of the room. "Sorry about that, {Name}-chan. Since you're sooooo pretty and adorable that I could just crush you with a hug, our classmates are just... You know, kind of perverted or something. Hahahaha, don't worry, I managed to survive that too!" She told me. "P-perverted?" I kind of blushed a bit. "Mhmm. Sorry for that." She apologized.

"Ah no, it's okay. And I'm kind of shock that you called me pretty a-and adorable. I'm not like that after all... You're much prettier than me, Momoi-san." I told her as I blushed again. 'Wahhh, this is so embarrassing!!' I internally screamed. "Could we go now?" I asked and then she nodded. She literally dragged me to the gym since I didn't know the direction yet. It's not like I have sense of direction anyways. I sighed and then we arrived, Momoi bursted in the gym, taking the attention of the people inside.

There was one guy I recognized, the black hair with glasses from the morning, he also looked kind of shock. "Everyone! We've got our assistant manager!" She yelled, enough for everyone to hear, though the loudness echoed in the large space. "It's you from this morning." The glasses guy said. "Captain, you know her?" Another tall blonde asked to him. 'Captain? You mean the captain of this team?!' I yelled in my head meanwhile I just kept my calm face. "Yeah, I saw her earlier. The new student here." He explained a little bit to his team mates.

"She's new to this school and she wants to join basketball club!" Momoi added. "I'm {Name}, since this April, I attended Rakuzan from Kyoto. Nice to meet you!" I bowed my head out of respect to them. "We're glad to be working with you." They said as they slightly bowed to me too. "Rakuzan, huh?" The glasses guy mumbled. "Let's introduce ourselves!" He added and the members started to line up. "I'm Imayoshi Shoichi, the captain of the team. Nice to meet you." He stated with a gentle smile. "Nice to meet you again." I replied back.

"M-my name is S-Sakurai Ryo... I'm sorry!" He introduced and apologized as well. "Sakurai-san? Why are you apologizing?" I asked 'innocently' while my head is screaming with his cuteness. "I'm sorry for apologizing!" He continued. I sigh but I just continued to fangirl inside. "You didn't do anything wrong, okay?" I smiled at him. And then a large guy walked behind me. "I'm Susa Yoshinori. The vice-captain of the team." He stated as he picked up the basketball on the floor. And then the blond guy from earlier introduced himself at last. "Wakamatsu Kosuke's my name! Nice to meet you." He said, stretching his hand to handshake me.

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