Chapter 1

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        "If you don't leave now you're going to miss your first day!" Mom yelled in a sing-song voice. Like that was going to help.

        "That's why I'm not leaving now you dummy!" I yelled back in a sarcastic voice.

        "Tuts, do me a favor and get your ass out of my house. You need an education. Love you"

        "Yeah, love you too." I said, grabbing a granola bar and walking out the door. School is only about a 15 minute walk from my house. Once I got there it was like a zoo. The sophomore-wing was a buzz with people hugging and squealing and, ew. I went to a prep school, which sucked but was cool at the same time. I got a scholarship here because I was too smart for public school.

        "Hunty! Don't you look like a piece of shit," Adam said pulling me into a hug.

        "I thought I'd take some lessons from you." I said, pulling away. Just then a girl caught my eye. Partly because she was new, partly because she had mint green hair, and partly because she looked like a piece of art. "Hey, green hair who is that?" I said to Adam. He knew everyone who walked these halls.

        "Noel McCann. Cheerleader-"

        "No you're lying!" I said. I was a good judge of character and this girl was defiantly not the cheerleader type.

        "If you would let me finish! Down-to-earth cheerleader. Scholarship kid just like you."

        "Damn," she was one of the few girls I knew, not including myself, who could work the awful plaid skirt and white button up with a blazer that they made us wear.

        "Oh, does someone have a wittle crush?" He said in a mocking baby voice.

        "Don't you have to go suck Calvin's dick or something?" Did I forget to metion that almost everyone in this school is gay or bi or trans or something like that? Well it's true. There was only a small portion of straight kids here. I, myself, am bi. I've never had a serious relationship with a girl though.

        "Ah, yes. I have to meet him in the biology room in a couple of minutes,"

        "I thought you hated doing it there because Mrs. Bitch has all those posters with the eyes on them," Mrs. Bitch's real name was Mrs. Falcone, but no one called her that because everyone hated her.

        "I do but she doesn't have anything first or homeroom," He said, sighing.

        "Well I guess you better be one your way then,"

        "I'll see you later bitch"

        "Bye fag."


        I got to math and put my stuff down on a random table that no one else was sitting at. Right before the bell rang Noel came in, out of breath. She put her stuff down next to me and sat down. After a few seconds I spoke first.

        "You know you didn't have to rush. Mr. Platt always comes in 15 minutes late." She chuckled

        "I'll have to remember that next time I get lost. I'm Noel." She replied with a big grin that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

        "I'm Angela" I said back to her. Now that she was close I liked what I saw even more. She had a cute button nose and I could tell now that her hair was Bleach-blonde with streaks on light green. She also had grey eyes that looked like the ocean after a storm. She was beautiful.

        "So what brings to you Princeton Acadamy?" I asked, pretending I didn't already half know.

        "We moved here after my mom died and I got a scholarship..." She trailed off looking down. I wondered why she would tell this to me if I'm a complete stranger, but I didn't question it.

        "Jeez, I'm sorry."

        "No It's okay. what about you?"

        "Scholarship kid. Most of the other ones have left already because they were bullied, but You don't really get bullied when you win a fight on the third day of school and don't get expelled" I remember that day and start to smile. I din't get expelled because the other girl technically started the fight. She left, I stayed, and no one fucked with me ever again.

        "Nice," She said, looking me up and down. Just then Mr. Platt walked in, we didn't pay attention though. Not until He assigned us to be partners for some stupid group project.

        "Do you want to come over to mine after school? We can work on the project," I suggested after class.

        "Or not," She said, "Here put you're number in my phone," I put in my contact with my name as Cutie ;). She smiled down at her phone and then left. Just then my phone buzzed and I got a text saying You certainly are a cutie ;).

        We met up outside of school and walked together. I kept sneaking side-glances at her as we went. Once we got to my house I made us some popcorn and we watched The Heat.

        "The person who wrote this is a comedic master mind," I say without removing my eyes from the tv. I have my legs resting on her lap and she has her arms draped over my legs. 

        "Defiantly," She says back to me. "So I have to ask you something."


        "What's your deal?" She asks looking at me now.

        "What do you mean?" I ask, looking back at her.

        "Like, is it boys? Girls?" She asks, her voice becoming shaky.

        "Both. I like Both." She sighs with what sounds like relief. "What about you?" I ask.

        "Girls," This makes me happy. Too happy.

        "So did you see anyone you like today?" I ask, silently pleading. Plaese say me. Please say me!

        "There's a girl in math I had my eye on," She gives me a wink.Yes! I think, almost positive that it's me. "What about you?" She asks, her voice becoming high-pitched when she says you.

        "Girl in math," I wink back at her.

        "Omg you looooovve meee," she says in a sing song voice.

        "Like, strongly like," I say sitting up.

        "So Miss Angela, would you do me the honor of going on a date with me?"

        "Who me oh I would be delighted," I said, sure I was practically glowing. I really like this girl. Really, really like her.


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