Chapter 7: A New Start

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A New Start

I powered up slowly, my vision filled with code and status updates as I lifted my head off of the metal surface it had been resting on.  I was lying on what looked to be a repair platform, with well-used tools lying all around me on the table.  I accessed my databanks and say that all of my levels were back to normal.  It was almost like the battle had never even happened.  I rolled onto my paws and pushed up into a standing position, feeling my servos moving smoothly once more as I looked around the room.  From what I could tell I was in a lab similar to Dr. Brendan’s, though I had no idea where I was other than that.  I hopped off of the platform and pushed through the double doors, seeing that I was indeed still inside Dr. Brendan’s lab as I spotted the man tinkering with some device on a table across the room.

He looked up as I walked in and smiled, “Nice to see you among the land of the living once again Stratagem.  You nearly killed yourself in getting Stiletto’s hard drive to me so I had to try and prevent you from dying while I brought Stiletto back.”

My ears perked with hope as I looked around the room, “Where is she?  Is she alright?”

He shrugged and my processor buzzed with confusion as I followed him into the next room.  I looked around and saw the plans for Stiletto’s body strewn about the place like a tornado had come through, and as I looked towards the back I saw a large tarp covering something roughly my size and shape.

I glanced at the doctor and he nodded at my unspoken question, “That is the re-built Stiletto over thee under the tarp, but I have yet to power her up.”  He looked down at me with a small smile, “I figured it would be best if she woke up with you here to greet her.”

I smiled and nodded, “Thank you.”  I walked up and grabbed the tarp with my teeth, ripping it away as I spotted the red paint coat I had come to know over the years.

It was like she had never left.  Her pain was sparkling like it was still wet and there was not a scratch to be seen on her entire body.  Her saws were stowed at the moment, but a quick scan showed they were just like her old ones.  Her core glowed softly from under her armor and I walked up slowly until my muzzle was right next to her left ear.

“Stiletto,” I whispered, “it’s time to wake up.”

Dr. Brendan chuckled, “You won’t be able to power her up like that Stratagem.  She still has to be manually activated, at least the first time.”  He walked over to a computer console and typed in a string of commands.

I backed up a step and watched as Stiletto’s core began to glow brighter, her optics lighting up with strings of code as her processor began to run the basic startup programs.  Her legs straightened and her head hung limp for a moment as her ears swiveled one way and then the other.  She lifted her head and I saw that her optics were still filled with code as she worked out each leg one at a time.

After about ten minutes of going through her systems, her optics changed into their usual yellow as she looked at me, though my core twisted in sadness as her face took on the expression of confusion.  “Who are you?”

I hung my head as I realized she didn’t remember me.  I looked over at the doctor and sighed, “You did your best Dr. Brendan.  I’m sorry the process didn’t work.”

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