1. The separation

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My mom and dad had me at a young ages. My mom was 16 and my dad was 18. When my father found out he was about to eat a cupcake, then he was called to the restroom where my mother's mother and herself where they had the positive pregnancy test. Dad then wrap the cupcake up and say down. They we're both happy to have a baby, but as soon as I was born my mom and Dad had to move into my dad's parents house considering they were too young to take care of a baby on their own. So my dad went to work my mom would run off spreading her legs for any guy willing to give her drugs and buy her beers. Them my dad was diagnosed with a disease and when everything went down south. My father's family wasn't aloud to adopt me because for some reason the state wouldn't allow it.

We spend a year in the system going from one house to another. People that didn't want us would pack our clothes in trash bags and set us out on the porch in the middle of the night to wait for our case worker to come and get us. No one wanted us, one foster home after another we'd be traded off like animals at the zoo. We finally reached our last destination at a shelter for unwanted foster kids. Was this it? Was this all that we were worth to the adults in our lives? Just some sluts kids house hopping? We were adjusting not so well to the shelter life with the older kids about to out grow the system. I believe one of the teenage boys was a HUGE pervert. One day my sister and I were going to a visit with her grand mother and her "husband" and the shelter lady said something about them adopting us. I couldn't believe it, my sister and I have been through a lot with the other foster homes saying they're going to take care of us and love us. That wasn't the care for any of them so how could I believe this?

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