chapter-8 House of riddles

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And just like that, with a flicker, the light came back to life.

My hand was a mess, and my neck was aching terribly as if someone has swung needles through my neck. There was a sharp cut around my neck.

This was a live horrible nightmare I was living in. For a second I wanted to die.

By now, inspector Roy was holding my hand and he tied a handkerchief around my bleeding hand. Tiarra tore up a piece of her cloth and tied it around my neck to stop the bleeding as soon as possible.

"I am so sorry kiarra, you had to go through this."

I wanted to say something, tell her that it was fine, but I wasn't able to say anything because of the tingling pain.

After taking care of my cuts and wounds, the inspector warned,

"This place is dangerous. We need to be more alert from now on. Whoever it was tried to hurt you, might have escaped already. I am sure this attack and that attack on Jessie that day are somehow connected."

Tiarra dashed out of the front door and came back after a few minutes,

"No one is in sight around the house. I asked a woman standing outside house no.46 if she saw someone, but I guess she was drunk."

After getting some strength, I exclaimed,

"I think we should keep going, maybe we will find some clue."

Tiarra and the inspector both looked at me worriedly. They looked at each other, then again at me.

Tiarra finally said, "Do you think after all this we should keep moving? Kiarra, we both will check the house. you should return home."

I protested roughly, "No, no. I am okay. I won't return home until and unless we will figure out something."

Inspector asked, worried, "Are you sure?"

"I am sure." I gave him a thumps up with a small smile slowly dying off my face.

Tiarra still seemed worried, but she smiled at me forcibly.

We took a few more steps forward and that was when I noticed something stuck on the side wall.

I stopped inspector Roy and tiarra immediately.

"There is something stuck on the wall."

It was easily recognizable but I had no idea why the inspector and Tiarra didn't notice.

I along with the inspector and tiarra turned to our left to take a look at what was written. The sheet was stuck with tape and something was written on it with a red pen in good handwriting.

Inspector Roy read it out,

"Welcome to house no. 47." He said as he continued, "To find something uninteresting please don't mind your own business."

After taking a glance again at what was written, He informed with a slight tilt of his head.

"There's an arrow made which shows that we should maybe go straight."

"Dang." Tiarra commented.

"I think it's quite obvious that the message is for us, girls." Inspector Roy chimed in, stating the obvious.

"I know." Tiarra replied, rolling her eyes.

"I think we should follow it, whatever it says." I suggested, stating half the obvious.

"I smell danger." Tiarra whispered.

"Let's hope for the best?" Inspector Roy tried to sound cheerful, but it failed.

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