Just the Beginning

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" And now it's over. " Toko said while she and Komaru walked over to Monaca's defeated figure, being crushed by the rubble of the ceiling. Monaca, being in denial that her plan was flawed, was in denial about it.

" I-It's not over yet... Nothing's finished yet... " The child spoke, having an angered expression on her face. " This is just... It's delaying the inevitable! The children are still brainwashed, the adults still want revenge... in fact, they're even more angry now, having their hope killed like that. "

Monaca forced her eyes shut, tears seemed to be forming. She was sorry, but only sorry that her plan failed. Not for anything else.

" So nothing's changed! This ending isn't a happy or a sad one! This isn't hope *or* despair! "

Monaca was becoming weaker by the second. Her voice got quieter.

" Nothing... has changed. "

Komaru angrily approached her, silently.

" So are you gonna kiiiillll Monaca? Take a little revenge for yourself? It's just fine, if Monaca is killed by Makoto Naegi's sister... That should be enough despair. "

Just like that, Komaru got on her knees to get to the child's level.

" Give me... the key to Byakuya's room. "

" ...Huh? "

" Hand it over. "

Monaca hesitantly gave the key to Komaru.

Monaca continued to ramble... but soon she had to shut up.

" Don't mess with me...
An ending without hope or despair...
Monaca will definitely...
Huh!? "

More of the ceiling began to crumble, the other children were watching Monaca, Komaru and Toko's conversation in the background the whole time silently.

Kotoko began running around in fear. " Kyaaah! It's gonna fall! We're gonna faaaall! "  She shouted, turning to the other panicked Warriors of Hope members. " W-We gotta get out of here! "

Kotoko and the others began running past Monaca, but coming to a mere halt.

They all stared at her in silence until she said something.

" Hey... Kotoko? " She mumbled out, tears forming in her eyes. " I better not hear you beg for your life because your plan didn't work. "
" ...Huh? "
" You must have noticed by now. I was acting this whole time. " Her intimidating glare towards Monaca faded into a soft, happy smile.

Jataro clung onto Nagisa's arm, Masaru standing there idle, looking a bit angered at Monaca.

" ...But even now, I love you lots. Even though you betrayed me- us, my feelings still haven't changed. "

Just then, that smile faded as well. She glared back at Monaca again. " So... it'd be great if you could die a totally adorbs death! Bye bye forever! "

Kotoko bowed to Monaca, quickly running away.

Masaru and Jataro did too, but Nagisa stayed, staring at Monaca as the ceiling began to crumble more.

" N-Nagisa? You aren't going to leave Monaca to die, are you? "

He stood there silently for a second or two before deciding to talk.

" You... betrayed us. You tried to kill us... and you manipulated us..."

Nagisa stood there, staring at her having mixed emotions about her now. He looked both sad and disappointed.

" I'm sorry! Monaca didn't mean for it all to go down like this! Monaca just wanted to- "

" Don't even use that excuse on me. You told me yourself you didn't want to build a paradise! "

Now he just looked angered. He tried to calm down a bit, looking away from Monaca to avoid the guilt trip of her current crying and afraid expression. " Now that I look back at it... a paradise for children? That sounds completely childish and almost impossible. Not even we could do it... "

Nagisa began to walk away.

Monaca reached her hand out towards Nagisa, tears filled in her eyes. The defenseless, defeated, and trapped girl's plans were failed; what would Junko think of her now? She called out the boy's name one last time.

" Nagisa...! "

Nagisa was already gone, and the ceiling was beginning to fall apart even more.

Monaca put her head down onto the cold floor, her tears hitting the ground as she began to giggle.

" So this is what despair feels like... "

Her giggles grew a bit louder before she began to pass out...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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