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May 15 1993

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May 15 1993

It's be three days since the incident , I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't function in school. How could this have happened? Why would she do this ? I'm her Bestfriend I know everything about her. No one in school knew , anything it was a miracle she wasn't successful, but she was still asleep lying unconscious at st Anne's hospital.

I knocked on the Wilson family front door. Mrs. Wilson had called my mom asking me to come in for a chat. I already knew what she was going to ask and I couldn't answer it. At first I blamed aiden, but he seemed just as clueless as me

68 hours earlier ........

I knocked on the Wilson family front door. I hadn't spoken to Mack since she told me about her break up a week ago. I was avoiding her, I couldn't watch her, I couldn't listen to her talk about aiden, cry over aiden, I can hardly recognize her parading around with that wannabe rockstar and his crew of fake ass
" the outsiders ".  I missed the old days when it was just Mal & Mack also known as M&M.

We'd been inseparable, since middle school. We met in the 5th grade , I still remember the day she walked in. I wasn't like a majority of boys in my school, I wasn't cool, I didn't pretend to be . I cared way to much about my grades . I watched the history channel because I thought it was fascinating. I had a peanut, gluten , and  bee allergy. Not to mention I'm lactose and tolerant with asthma, I was the poster boy no the very definition of the word

I didn't mind not having friends, my books were all the friends I needed. Plus the kids at my school weren't exactly mentally able to keep up with me and though I did my best to stay invisible, to stay quiet and unseen . I was always seen by the bullies.

I was getting pantsed  at least 3 times a week, and wedgies at least 4. I get it I'm a dork , a nerd , the type of guy that gets bullied. It's the natural order of the world the strong prey on the weak. It was the first time though I'd ever seen the strong defend the weak.

" dose anyone know where hitler and his nazi regime kept the jewish people they had taken and what was done to them". Ms. Cormack asked the class

I expected these dead in the head kids to not know the answer luckily I'd just finished watching a world war 2 documentary for the 6 th time last week: just as I was about to restore Ms. Cormack's faith in the next generation, I saw another hand shoot up, it was her the new girl Mackenzie.

" Hitlers regime took the the Jews they had terrorized , singled out and gathered to what  are known as concentration camps. Where they were tortured, heads where shaved, experimented on, and killed via gas chamber, starvation, and lack of medical care." She answered

It was as if she'd taken the answer exes right out of my mouth. Something about her seemed different not just because she was a black girl in a predominantly white male class. Something about her was just intriguing.

Soon it came time for lunch. I grabbed my lunch box with my home cooked meal inside prepared by my loving, douting,yet very embarrassing mother. I made my way towards the cafeteria. When suddenly I felt a force plunge me into the wall where I hit my head , hard.

" wassup point dexter ". Dylan insulted, Dylan was the type of kid who was more brawn then brain he was what I imagined Neanderthals were like. He had about 60 lbs on me and nothing put a smile on his face, faster then the frown on mine.

" Dylan come on man, you said if i did your math homework you'd let me off the rest of the week" I said I shouldn't be to surprised he violated the arrangement. After all I doubt cavemen had any sense of  the concept of agreements.

"Yeah I thought about it then i was like nah ". He said laughing glad to know i was providing him with his daily dose of amusement.

" now what am I having for lunch". He said crouching down and snatching my lunch box. He popped it open revealing my sandwich, my kapri sun and the little note my mom always writes. I watched as he removed the sticky note and read it out loud.

" have a good day , my love dove." He read outloud

I watched as a brown blur rammed into him virtually tipping him over. He hit the ground joining me . There stood towering over us both the new girl.

" leave him alone , air head". She said I stood there in shock , I didn't realize how tall she was, she was about Dylan's height. I watched as he got up and pushed her I stood there watching as these two titans went at it. I watched as she jumped on him and beat him like a rabid dog. He managed to slip from her grasp and run off.

She was more man then I was, she stuck her hand out offering me help off the floor. That was the day, I fell in love with the girl who soon came to be my best friend.

I knocked on the door again but no answer. I went by the plant and checked the bottom for the spare key. I decided to bring her a little peace offering I stopped by Anne's bakery and purchased her favorite strawberry cheesecake. I opened the door shutting it behind me and headed up the stairs , she had every right to be mad at me for ignoring her and every right to ignore me for doing so but I couldn't let her go.
We're M & M .

I knocked on the door and when I received no answer twisted the knob pushing the door open.

" you can't stay mad at me forever , I even got your fav-" I stopped mid sentence as my brain registered the sight before me, my hands went lip unable to support the cake , I felt my heart drop to stomach.

" Mackenzie " . I yelled rushing over to her limp hanging body.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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