Chapter 7

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Emily's POV:

"I think you should talk to him."  Liam says smiling sadly.

"But what if he doesn't listen or talk to me." I say panicking.

"He will listen to you, love. Don't worry." Zayn said.

I nod and make my way to his room.

I knock two times on the door before he opens the door. Just as he is about to close the door I say, "Please Harry, just hear me out. Please...." I beg him.

He looks at me for a minute and then walks further into his room leaving the door open. I take that as my queue to walk in.

"I'm sorry, Harry. I didn't know it would worry you so much. I thought it was just a harmless prank...." I say.

He just stares at the wall not saying a single word.

"Please say something, Harry...." I say as tears well up in my eyes.

"What? What do you want me to say, huh? Sorry that I care too much about you?" Harry shouts.

That's when I break down and fall to my knees. Harry immediately is by my side picking me up and putting me on the bed. He then hugs me sideways and rubs circles on back soothing me.

"Please don't be mad at me, Harry..." I whisper.

"I can never be mad at you, babe. Yes, I was worried sick about you but I can never be mad at you. I love you too much to be mad at you. " Harry says quietly.

I look at him surprised. So he also feels the same way...

"I love you too, Harry."

We were so close that if he would lean in a bit our lips would be touching. He did exactly that and I felt his soft lips meet mine. I couldn't help but kiss him back and tangle my fingers in his hair. He groaned softly.

"Hey guys we were just-- Oh sorry for interrupting." I hear someone say. We break that kiss only to see Louis smirking.

I just hid my face in Harry's chest so that they couldn't see my flushed face. Harry's chest vibrated as he let out a chuckle.

"As I was saying we are going out to Nandos. Would you guys like to join or should we leave you two alone for a while." I could see Louis smirking.

"We'll join you in a few minutes. Now get out." Harry says.

After I hear the door close I look up to see Harry already staring at me. I pull him in for another passionate kiss. After a few minutes we both pull away and stare into each others eyes. Haery then gets up and holds out his hand which I gladly take and we walk down the stairs hand in hand and wide smiles plastered on our faces.


4 hours later....

We got back from Nandos almost 2 hours ago and since then Harry and I have been sitting cuddled up on the couch while the other boys decided to go shopping.

"Hey Em, I just wanted to ask you if you'd like....." he trails off nervously.

"What Harry?"

"Umm... if you'd like to ya know, go out with me on a date?" He asks nervously rubbing his hand around his neck.

"I'd love to, Harry." I say grinning widely as he places a soft sweet kiss on my lips.

"Great, I would pick you up at 7 tomorrow. Is that okay?" He asks smiling.

"Yeah, sure."


There you go guys...

Omg I just love the album so much...

I love all the songs on the album and can't stop listening to them...

Okay that's it.... hope you liked it...

Love ya all!!!

-Jaz ;-)

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