Down hill from here

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Morning comes, Jennie wakes up with Tzuyu in her arms. Jennie sits up and Tzuyu wakes, they both look out the window, "must you be gone? It's nowhere near the dawn, you heard the nightingale and not a lark, i promise, she sings each night, sitting in yonder tree, believe me, love, it was the nightingale" Tzuyu says, staring at her wife, "it was the lark, the herald of the moon, no nightingale, look, love, what envious streaks do lace the serve ring clouds in yonder east, night's candles are burnt out, and jocund day stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops, I must be gone and live, or stay and die" Jennie says, "I do not think the light is daylight yet" Tzuyu says, "I am content if you you would have it so, I have more heart to stay than will to go, cole, death, and welcome, Tzuyu wills it so, I will lie with you and say it is not day" Jennie says as they both lay back down, "it is, it is, go now, begone, away! Oh, it is the lark that sings so out of tune with horrid discord's and unpleasant sharps, oh, hurry now, more light and light it grows" Tzuyu says as they both sit up, "more light and light, more dark and dark out woes" Jennie says then they share a kiss as Dahyun runs through the door, "Tzuyu!" Dahyun says, "what is it?" Tzuyu asks as they seperate, " Nayeon is soon coming to your chamber, the day is here, be careful and make haste, I shall be gone, Nayeon and Jeongyeon cannot know that I have been part of this deceit" Dahyun says as Jennie and Tzuyu quickly gets up and runs to get dressed and Dahyun leaves the room, Tzuyu and Jennie run out to the balcony, "farewell, my love, one more kiss, and I'll descend" Jennie says, they give each other a big kiss then Jennie jumps over the rail but before Jennie starts to climb down, Tzuyu stops her, "no, come this way" says Tzuyu, Jennie jumps back over the rail and follows Tzuyu back inside, they run down stairs then out the door without being see, "I'll teach Rosé to learn your news each day" Jennie says, "no, more than that, each hour in each day, each minute in each hour is a day of pining lovers" Tzuyu says as they run down the long yard, "and amen to that " Jennie says as they reach the end of the yard, they give each other a kiss, "do you believe we'll ever meet again?" Tzuyu asks once they seperated, "I do not doubt it, nor that we shall smile to think of all these troubles in the past" Jennie says, "if god would only free me of foreboding, I think I see you, now you are below, as dim and pale as dead men in their tombs" Tzuyu says, "so are you dim, love in dawn's drab light, our worries make us pale, so adieu" Jennie says then she gives Tzuyu one final kiss before Tzuyu gives Jennie a flower then Jennie departs. As Tzuyu watches Jennie leave, she says "oh fortune, fortune, all men call you fickle because no fortune ever constant be, if that is so, then change again, oh, fortune, be fickle now and send her back to me".

Jennie and Rosé ride their horses to the bridge leading out of the village, they stop their horses, "please, Rosé, be a guardian angel to my love, watch her firmly and gently as it would do the eye of god" Jennie says, "I will, I promise you, farewell, Jennie" Rosé says then with that, Jennie leaves Verona.

"What is the rush?" Tzuyu asks Nayeon "I pray you tell, Jeongyeon I will not marry yet, and when I do, I swear it shall be Jennie, whom I hate, rather than Sana, whom I despise!" Tzuyu yells then runs to her room, "here comes Jeongyeon, you can tell her so yourself" Nayeon says as both her and Jeongyeon enter Tzuyu room to see her crying, "Tzuyu is like a channel, what, more tears? The level of the sea will start to lift if much more water flows from your sweet eyes" Jeongyeon says then gives Tzuyu a kiss on the forehead "Nayeon, have you told her of her marriage plans?" Jeongyeon asks, "I have, and she will have none of it, I swear" Nayeon says, "soft, soft, take me with you, take me with you, Nayeon, how? Will she none?" Jeongyeon asks as she approaches Nayeon "does she not give us thanks? Is she not proud? Does she not think her blessed, unworthy as she is, that we have brought so worthy a woman to be her bride?" Jeongyeon asks as she looks at Tzuyu, "thankful I am, and grateful for your love, but proud I cannot be of what I hate" Tzuyu says, "how... how-how-how, chopped logic, what is this? "Proud" and "I thank you" but "I thank you not", thank me no thankings, nor proud me no proud! Be ready, lady, Thursday morning next, to go with Sana to st. Jisoo's church or I will drag thee thither on a rail!" Jeongyeon yells, "are you mad?" Nayeon asks, "good Jeongyeon, I beseech you on my knees, will you not give me leave to plead my cause?" Tzuyu asks, Jeongyeon marches back over to Tzuyu, "you... I tell you I what, be there, Thursday church, or never after look me in the face" Jeongyeon says as she pushes Tzuyu onto her bed, "I..." Tzuyu tries to speak but cannot, "speak not, reply not, do not answer me, my fingers itch!" Jeongyeon yells, Dahyun runs in, "Jeongyeon, you're in the wrong, Jeongyeon, to punish her" Dahyun says, "is that lady wisdom's view? Take care, you dice with you place in talking thus" Jeongyeon says as she turns to Dahyun, "may not one speak?" Dahyun asks, "oh, will you be quiet you fool! Now..." Jeongyeon says as Nayeon runs to stop Jeongyeon , "no, Jeongyeon, you are too hot" Nayeon says as she pull Jeongyeon away from Tzuyu and Dahyun, "god's blood is does make me mad! Day, night, month, year! My constant care... has been to have Tzuyu worthily matched and here I find an educated woman of equal birth with honorable parts, with fine estates and pretty to behold, and what is my reward? A puking fool, who answers, "I will not wed, I cannot love, I am too young, I pray you pardon me"" Jeongyeon runs up to Tzuyu again, "now think on this, Thursday is near, if you will play the bride, then are you a member of Twice and all is forgot, if you will not, then you are Twice no more, graze where you will, you shall not house with us, beg, starve or hang, I'll ne'er acknowledge thee, nor pass to you that slightest things that's mine, I swear to this, my words, so help me god!" Jeongyeon yells then leaves the room, "how can Jeongyeon speak so to me who loves her better than she loves herself?" Tzuyu asks Nayeon as she continues to sob, then Nayeon leaves the room, "oh, oh god, oh Dahyun, how shall this be prevented? I have a living wife here on earth, what, should I take a second in a lie and cast myself forever into hell?" Sobs Tzuyu, "well, here it is, Jennie is... gone, and cannot come back, except in stealth as risk to life and limb, given that case, which will not alter soon... I think it best you marry with Sana" says Dahyun, "speakest thou from thy heart?" Tzuyu asks, Dahyun nods, "and from my soul or the devil take us all" Dahyun says, "amen" says Tzuyu.

A Romeo and Juliet story (Jennie Kim x Chou Tzuyu)Where stories live. Discover now