At first sight...

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07:30 a girl named Alice is sleeping cute in her room.  But a call from a friend interrupted her dream.
- ohhh, I had such a cool dream. And you interrupted him!  Why are you calling me early in the morning, Lisa ?!
-And good morning to you, Alice!  Did you hear that a circus is coming to our city today?
- No, I have not heard. So what?
-In the sense of "what?"  We have to go there! 
*sighs*  - what time? 
- at 19: 00! thanks!Love u! Bye!
Putting the phone under the pillow, the girl again fell into a dream.
- Oh shit!  I'm not ready yet!
  Quickly getting out of bed, the girl ran to pack.  She twisted her long blonde hair and did a light make-up, put on a gently pink dress and pink sneakers.
The call to the phone.
- Alice?  Where are you?  We are waiting for you near the entrance to the circus.
- I am already coming out. I'll be there in 15 minutes. See you!
-See you!
After 20 minutes, Alice had already approached her friends. Lisa, Harry, Emily and Brian
L- why did you take so long ?! 
E- let's go soon! The performance begins!
Their seats were right next to the arena.
At first, the gymnasts performed, then the dancers, and Alice was a little angry because the clown spat on her with water.
A- what is it ?! - Alice whispers to her friend.
L - Alice shut up! This is ridiculous!
E - so quiet!  The next artist!
-Ladies and gentlemen, a young acrobat from Romania will perform for you now. Alexander Junior!
The searchlights turned on, and Alice saw a handsome, strong guy in the arena.  He did cool handstand.  She liked him right away.  She fell in love with him at first sight ...

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