Nice To Meet You, Alice...

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“He's so sexy,” Alice thought.
When he finished, his beautiful smile lit up the whole hall, he smiled at the audience. For a moment Alice thought he was looking at her. She fell in love with him, with his smile...
Later, he also performed with his family with acrobatic numbers. Alice could not take her eyes off him.  When all the artists performed, the host said that you can take a photo with the artists and take aphthographs.
Alice immediately ran to the lobby, where she bought a magazine for aphthographs and ran to look for him....
While she was search through the eyes of her new idol, friends approached her.
L- Alice, where did you run?
E- We are looking for you everywhere!
A- be quiet! Better help me find ....
B- whom?
A-... A... Al... Alexander Junior...
E- You fell in love with him !?
L-he's sexy, isn't he?
A- shut up! Everyone looks at you like idiots!!!
H- Alice ....
A- quiet!
B-Alice ...
A- be quiet!
E-But Alice!
A-i said shut up!
L- He is there...
The girl’s eyes suddenly widened.
A- where?..
L- over there! - Lisa pointed to Alexander who was taking photos with people.
E- go to him ...
A- I'm afraid ...
B- we will go with you!
Friends went with Alice to the Alexander.
Ac- H... Hello.
Ax- Hello
She looked into his eyes, so blue ...
Ac- can I take a picture with you?
Ax- yes,of course.
Alice stood next to Alexander, he put a hand on her waist.
Her heart was beating fast...
Alice shook a little with fear, because she was hugged by a guy whom she really liked.
Ax - what is your name?
Ac- I ... I am Alice.
Ax-Nice to meet you, Alice...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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