Chapter 5

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"Ya know what? I think I'll head home and do whatever." I say. "But, don't you wanna have fun with us?" He gestures to the room full of my friends. "My moms already going to be yelling at me when I get home." I sigh. Matt doesn't argue this time. I head upstairs and grab my bag. I hug everyone and say bye.

"What were you thinking, young lady?" My mother screams in my face. "I was thinking they were my best friends!" I yelled back. "Don't act all innocent, Claire!" She bellowed. "What am I hiding, mother?" I scream. "You were obviously fucking all the boys there!" I gasped in horror. "I can't believe you mom! I would never do that! I'm not a girl to go fuck over guys and leave them, like you are!" I yell, getting angrier by the second. I meant every word I said. "Do not talk to me that way! You know what, Claire? I can't even believe you. Get out of my house." My vision starts to blur with tears. "Gather your shit and leave! Don't bother coming back!" She adds. "Why? Because you don't want me to catch you fucking a third man?" I choke out. She points up the stairs and into my room. I run up the stairs collapsing on my bed. I text Matt immediately.

Me: Matt..

Matt: What wrong, baby?

Me: just get here asap xx

Matt: You got it babe.

I calm down, get out all my suitcases and pack them with my "shit". Soon enough I see Matts car pull up near the curb. "Don't fuck Matt ever again." She says as I come down the stairs. "I don't live under your roof anymore. I can do whatever the hell I want, Helen." I emphasize her first name and run out the door. "Care to explain yet, Claire? Matt asks with obvious concern. "Please drive." I say holding back my tears. Matt obliges and rests his hand on my knee.

I enter his house, throw my bags on the floor and run into Matts arms. He hugs me tight. We detach and my eyes fall on all my friends. Blood rushes to my cheeks. They say nothing knowing I'm a mess right now. Which I am thankful for. "Are you comfortable telling everyone what happened or do you just want to tell me right now?" Questions Matt sympathetically. "I'll just get it done with in front of everyone." I groan.

I tell them what happened, some gasping at the same points I did. I receive "I'm sorry's" and hugs. Though I appreciate it, it's not making me feel better. My eyes fill with tears and before I can stop them, Matt wipes them away. He says nothing. "Matt, can I sleep in your room?" I ask aloud. Cameron and Nash snicker and Matt and Emily send them a death glare. "Of course, princess." He replies. These nicknames Matt has been giving me are adorable but I'm too confused to find out what he means by them.

I decide that since I'm in Matts room already, I'd take one of his big comfy t-shirts and sleep in it. I find an old vans one and slip in on. It hangs down to my knees. I tuck the side into my shorts. I walk up to his full body mirror and study my features. Light brown hair that falls right above my boobs. Hazel colored eyes. A small mouth with small lips and braces. My long legs. I'm 5'8. Long arms as well. Matt appears in the back of the mirror, wrapping his arms around my short torso. I lean my head into the crook of his neck, savoring the comfort. "You're beautiful. Why were you looking at yourself so focused?" He asks. I shrug. "Just looking." I sigh. "Nice shirt." He whispers sending chills down my spine. Matt smirks. I climb into bed and he gets a blanket, just to lay it on the floor. "Uh, Matthew?" I ask shyly. "Yes, princess?" He responds, I blush. "Could you, uh, come up here with me maybe?" I stutter. He wastes no times crawling into bed and snuggling up close to me. I cuddle closer to him. It's comfortable. It feels normal. I'm thinking of Matt and I. And what to think of everything that's happened in the past 2 days. I suddenly remember that I'm hated by every single Matt girl out there. I instantly feel sad. With the saddest of all thoughts in my head right now, I drift to sleep.

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