Chapter 2

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17 years later.

The ground beneath my feet, a clear sky above, and the woods surrounding. Mother finally let me go on my first hunt, though it took her long enough, I was here. Mother sent me and Lydia out to fetch some more food. Lydia left to spook some dear my way. I had already picked off a few rabbits and an obnoxious squirrel. I heard branches snap and notched my bow. A single buck, an eight point to be exact, run into the meadow before me. Breathing out I took aim. The deer didn't know his fate, however, I did. I let go of the string, piercing the buck. He fell instantly. Lydia walked out of the woods beaming.
"Not bad, princess." I rolled my eyes.
"Shut up." She knelt down to give thanks to Artemis.
"Why do we have to do this every time," I asked. Artemis is my mother, I shouldn't have to give thanks for another deer.
"Sure she's your mom, but we should still thank her," Lydia answered while hitting the deer.
"Incredible hunt, girls," my mother said observing the quarry.
"Thank you, my lady." Mom dismissed Lydia and and approached me. "Wonderful job my child."
"Thanks, mother. When's my next hunt?"
"Good question love, but I'm not certain. Brina reported last night that there was a werewolf spotting. I do not think it is safe for you to be out in the woods for a long amount of time."
"You know I can handle myself out there! I'm one of your best shooters! Not to mention I'm the strongest one here!"
"Child do not raise your voice at me. I am your mother I know what is the safest option for you. Today was your first hunt, don't force me to make it your last." What more could I have done, if I spoke up, she would take away my small hunting opportunity.
"Listen, Gwyneth, you are my only child of I lost you, I would be in complete disarray. Please, promise me you won't go seeking the wolves."
"Yes mother." Of course I was angry, I wanted to fight for the hunters, although I still wasn't technically one of them. I still didn't know if I wanted to come to chastity, of course I would gain immortality unless I died in battle. However I didn't know if I could swear off loving a man. Never have I met one, other them my uncle, Apollo, but I didn't know if I could love one.
I lay awake on my cot that night. I had to find a way to hunt again. I could sneak out, but mother was in moon duty tonight, and I knew she was watching over me. But still I need to hunt. I needed to feel the adrenaline course through my body. The woods would conceal me long enough to take a shot at something. Mom would definitely kill me if she caught me, so I would have to be cautious. It was now or never.
All the girls surround a bonfire in the middle of camp, probably telling stories of their last hunts. I didn't see Brina though, if she was on watch I would definitely get busted. I had to get past her. So I approached the fire.
"Hey, Nora. Have you see Brina?"
"No, why?"
"Just need to talk to her. Mom said I wouldn't be able to hunt the wolves, so I wanted some tips on self defense just in case the raided the camp."
"She's on watch on the West Gate."
"Thanks, Nora." That worked out better then I could have imagined. West Gate, huh. Looks like I'll be taking the East Gate. I had to make it look like I was heading that make, so once I was out of sight, I circled back, weaving my way through the tents. The East gate was in view. I could easily slip past whomever was watching this gate. Sloane was on watch here. Like taking candy from a baby. Sloane was lazily staring off into the distance waiting to defend. I picked up a rock, sorry Sloane.
"Hey, Sloane! Have you seen Brina?" Sloane jumped , completely unaware I had walked up to her.
"East Gate." She hasn't looked my way.
"Oh, I could have sworn Nora said West. My bad. You want a break?" I questioned as I opened the gate.
"Yeah as if! Lydia is on next shift in a few minutes. Besides Lady Artemis would kill me if she caught me trading positions with you. She'd kill all of us."
"Your probably right. Sorry for not thinking."
"Yeah you should probably head back in." Now or never, Gwyn. I crept up to Sloane and with all my strength, I hit her with the rock. She fell over unconscious.
"Ouch, that one is gonna leave a mark. Anyway sorry Sloane." I whispered. Now I was home free.
I sprinted into the woods fell the wind ship through my hair. I slowed down once I was deep into the forest. I was just about to my tree when I heard hooves padding into the meadow before my. A herd of does made their way to the grassy meadow. Sitting ducks. I thought. I was about to take aim when I heard more motion in the woods beyond the tiny meadow. I scurried up the tree to get a better look. A huge beast leaped out of the trees onto a deer. Then two more jumped out. They had single handedly taken down the heard. They looked like wolves that stood one their hind legs. Werewolves! This close to camp even. I should have listened to mother. If these guys didn't kill me, mom certainly would. I grabbed the silver chain around my neck. The cold moon charm that hung off it slightly gave my comfort. Then one spoke on a deep raspy voice that ran shivers down my spine.
"Not a lot. But enough to feed the rest. Enough to please Lycaon." Lycaon! The first werewolf!
"We'll come back tomorrow night," another one said. The others nodded. "I smell smoke. And little hunters too." The girls! A surprise attack could damage camp severely. I came to hunt, so take aim, Gwyn. I exhaled. They want to surprise attack us, so I'll surprise them instead. I took aim at the biggest wolf. My silver arrows would reduce him to ashes. I released the string. It struck him true. The werewolf's buddies quickly found my tree.
"Ah, another hunter. These girls taste of victory. You shall please Lycaon greatly." One leaped at me. Knocking me from my tree. Out of no where a knife flew through the air striking the wolf in the arm. The knife wasn't silver though. It injured the wolf but he began to heal. I kicked the monster off of me and pulled the knife out of his arm. It didn't take me long to notched another arrow and hit the beast in his head. Where's the third wolf? I whipped my head around to the clearing and saw a boy. Not a little boy, but not quite a man. The male was wrestling with the third beast, and was losing. I shot a third arrow and took the last one out. The boy looked a me obviously shocked. He had blood oozing from one arm and from a gash one his chest.
"Your hurt."
"Really I couldn't tell." I rushed over to him while slinging my bow across my back.
"Did he bite you," I asked keeping my distance.
"No, but these cuts sting like Tartarus." I knelt to his side examine his wounds.
"What were you thinking! Wrestling a werewolf, and not carrying silver." I needed to to clean these cuts. I stood up offering my hand. "Stand up." I heaved the boy up to his feet. He towered over me. His sandy blonde hair hung in his green eyes. His body was covered in muscles, not entirely huge with muscles, but very strong. I wouldn't doubt if he had abs either.
"I was thinking that there was a damsel in distress that needed a prince charming."
"I am no damsel!"
"Right, you're a Hunter of Artemis, huh?"
"Not entirely, I haven't made up mine mind and- why am I explain this to you? Whatever where do you live?"
"You need medical attention and I can't take you to my camp. One: they don't know I'm out here, and two: you're a boy."
"This way."
He led me to a small cottage about a mile from the clearing. Inside was a living room and off in a corner a little bed room. A small fire was in the center of the living space and a musty old couch.
"I need a pot, some water, and you need to lie down and take off your shirt."
"Ah... You want my shirt off, huh?" He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Shut up." He point out a small pot and said there was a little stream behind the house. I left to fill the pot. When I came back he was on his bed where I told him to be. I boiled the water then let it cool. It pulled out an herb mother always told me to carry. I added this herb to the water and pulled out a small rag from my pocket.
"It might sting a bit," I notified soaking the rag. After I rung it out, I pressed the rag to his wounded arm. He winced and sucked in a breath. I was right though, he did have abs.
"You weren't kidding when you said it would sting."
"I'm never wrong." He made a small noise that resembled a laugh.
"I'm Xander, son of Aphrodite. And you are.....?"
"Gywn, daughter of Artemis." Son of Aphrodite , that explains the looks and jaw line.
"Daughter?" Shoot, that slipped out. Use the lie she told you to use.
"Adopted, of course. Found in a temple and rescued." I moved to the wound on his chest. He flinched when the rag met his skin.
"Makes sense," he grimaced.
"Thanks," I muttered.
"For what?"
"Saving me."
"Saving you? You saved me, Gwyn. "
"If you wouldn't have thrown that useless knife as a diversion, we both would be wolf dinner. "
"Useless? Obviously it has some use." I made a little smile.
"Yeah I guess." I continued working in silence. He winced every now and then, but still let me clean him up. I cleaned off the rag then wiped the dried blood off his tan skin. He finally broke the silence.
"What did you mean by you're not a hunter yet?"
"I've always lived with the hunters, but I'm scared to take the oath."
"The beautiful, fearless, Daughter of Artemis, is scared to take an oath of chastity?"
"Don't call me beautiful. Besides I want to know if I can, oh nevermind. Up, sit up." He obeyed and, thankfully, dropped the subject. I pulled out bandages from my pocket. I wrapped his shoulder with the gauze and his chest. Accidentally I rest my hand on his chest.
"You good there?"
"Yeah, I was making sure the bandage stuck."
"Well thanks for the medical attention." He smiled, showing white teeth and a single dimple. It was lopsided smile that made me blush. Why did you just blush!? I handed him my silver blade.
"You might need this for the future. There are plenty more back with the hunters." There was that silly smile again. He graciously accepted without complaint.
"Are you hurt?" Hadn't thought about that, act tough.
"No, I'm fine." I stood up to make my leaving but he grabbed my hand. "Let go!" I shied away from his touch.
"There's blood on your torn sleeve."
"I told you I'm fine! Besides if I went back wounded I'd-" I was interrupted by his door swinging open. Brina stormed in. This probably looked terrible. I was sitting next to a man in jeans and no shirt.
"What in the world do you think you're doing. Get away from him immediately! And you identify yourself!"
"Whatever it doesn't matter. You foolish boy. Repulsive human! Who do you think you are seducing a child of Artemis," Brina raged.
"I wasn't seducing her! I ran into some werewolves and coincidently we were in the same place at the same time," he met my eyes "She saved my life." Brina was fuming, never has she taken crap from anyone.
"Nice excuse, boy!"
"It's not an excuse Brina! He saved my life first! Back off!" Brina whipped around to face me. Without warning her hand flew towards me making contact with my cheek.
"We're leaving, the sun is almost upon us and I will not be caught with you outside those fences!"
I've never hated anyone the way I hated Brina. After I was done sleeping she pulled me out of the tent and have me extra laps to run. The she proceed to keep me from the shooting range and made me cook the meals for the day. Mother was gone on an Olympus meeting leaving Brina in charge. While scrubbing the dishes, I realized I couldn't stop thinking about Xander. The way his piercing green eyes penetrated my soul, or his lopsided smile. Even the way he stood his ground against Brina. For a son of Aphrodite, he had a ton of respect for me. He made me want to abandon the hunters. He made me want to leave mom for a normal life. I still had a choice, but it would be foolish to jump ship for a boy I didn't even know loved me. I couldn't stop him for returning to my mind.

Happy reading!😊

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