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"All the students please come to the Gym immediately.? "

"Come on I think the principal wants to talk to us or something, " Mel said with a nervous giggle. We entered the Gym and saw students sitting,  talking and laughing.

" follow me my friends should be here somewhere, " Mel said walking towards the middle of the room.

" she has friends never new, " Dray said smiling and I hit him in the stomach with my elbow.

" be nice or I'll  make you, " I jokingly  glared.

We saw Mel sitting with three other people and smiling.

" hey Brooke, Dray this are my friends, Lucy,  Ronnie and Luke, " Mel  introduced.

Lucy looked like a person who's  interested in the paranormal,  gothic stuff and vampires,

" sup you might want to sit down,  it's  about to start, "Lucy smirked and Dray and I sat down.

"Good morning students, yes I know we had to lock the school grounds every day for three weeks now,  but you are all getting used to it, "A man in his late twenties said,  the headmaster I presume.

"I wanted to announce that due to a lot of commotion and the recent tragedies that has happened, we are starting tryouts today so if you want to join any sports or activities it starts today.

"What does he mean be by recent tragedies?, "Dray asked.

"Some people are missing, while some are dead, " Luke answered.

"Just in three weeks?, "I asked.

"Yeah, I guess so,  some stuff have been happening, "Ronnie replied.

"Speaking about stuff what's  with all the fog?, " I asked.

" Don't  know, there has always been fog here and our parents never let us go outside when it is foggy , "Mel said shifting her leg a little.

"Why? , "

"Probably cause there's  some evil spirit hiding in it, "Lucy smiled.

"But seriously it's  weird but you get used to it ', "Lucy said shrugging a littlen

"Ok students you may go to your classes  now, "The man I recently found out to be named Jones announced. I carried my bag and walked out of the Gym.

"Do you find  what Mel and Lucy said a little weird ?, " I asked Dray.

"Don't  know and who cares have more important stuff on my mind right now, "

"Like what?, "

" nothing I  have to get to class see you later " Dray said walking away, what's  with him?,

In Class
     Where should I sit?, there are two open sits in the front, middle and back. I'll  just sit in the middle

"Sup Brooke, "  Ronnie said sitting next to me.

"Uh hi, "

"Are you gonna try out for anything?,"

" I don't  know,  I don't  think so why?,"

"Lucy, Luke  and I are hanging out at Mel's  house do you want to come,  we already asked Drayton, "

"What did he say?, " I asked

" He said sure so what about you?, " he asked and I sighed for a moment.

" sure, after school we will take you, "
Ronnie smiled.

" Sup  dorks, " Lucy smirked

" where have you been, "Ronnie asked.

"I was talking to my dead friend, " Lucy said With no expression

" was it Troy?, " Ronnie asked.

"Yeah, " Lucy smiled.

" you can see ghosts?, "I asked shocked.

" more like I summon them, " Lucy smirked.

" she likes casting spells and talking to ghosts,  she has issues, " Ronnie said making Lucy slap the back of his head and I laughed. I turned my head to the locked window and saw the same little boy I saw in the middle of the night with his tongue out, smiling at me,  the fog is still there.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned my head

"Are  you okay?, "Ronnie asked and i nodded.

"  yeah, yeah I'm  fine, " I said with a weak smile, I turned my head to the window and the boy was gone but it was stil foggy outside.

I was standing at the front of the school and all the fog was gone, enjoying the fresh air since there was no more fog I could finally relax, something caught my eye across  the street there was one thing shining,  I looked both ways and got to the place, there was an abandoned house

At the door step,  the wood was slightly shifted,  I moved it and saw a book, it was old and dusty,  I blew all the dust away and saw a name.

Mecriels  journal  about the fog. I  gasped.

I opened the book and saw a page that has been written on, I looked at the date and read it.

JUNE 1ST 1809

Today is a brand new day,   I told myself feeling a bit excited for my new journey. I've  spent my time reading about this town and I finally get to see it after so many years,  I wonder how my life will be when I get there, will I enjoy my stay?, will I make new memories?, hmm I don't  know,  I guess I just have to go with it.

Ah yes I am finally here in this wonderful town old springs,  what a delight,  people have been so nice here and some were... well  some looked a little off,  o boy I can't  wait for new adventures. Throughout my day I have had conversations, mingled and enjoyed myself but for some reason something seemed a little odd about this town,

I was sitting in my room with my Windows closed,  my doors locked and feeling safe when I looked outside. "Where did all this fog come from?, "I wondered what a weird and fascinating place. I  layed back down and heard a scream,  I looked outside but no one was there . I put my head on my pillow, oh well, I can't  wait for another memorable day tomorrow.
" Brooke let's  go, "Luke said from a car where Mel,  Ronnie, Lucy and Dray were sitting  in.

I ran to them and entered the car.

" hey are you ok?" Dray asked

"Yes of course just tired from school, "I said with a nod and Dray Didn't  say anything else

Truth isI don't  know if I'm  okay, even then in 1809 there was a lot of  fog,  I kept the book in my bag just in case, who knows, maybe there is something to all the fog and this journal could help with it all.


Thank you guys for reading this chapter,  it means so much,  I'm  going to add the cast but you can picture them how you want just saying😞

Please kindly vote and comment see you guys later

   - Nikki.

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