Chapter One

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Chapter 1

Loud music.

That's all that surrounded me, alongside the bunched crowd of drunken people grinding up against one another; I had to shake my head and suppress a laugh at the sight of this. Typical Dad; chooses his bachelor party to be held at his old scouting grounds. Sure Dad wasn't exactly a huge player, okay maybe he was, but that was before he met my mom, not that she matters any more.

If you're wondering why I'm speaking so poorly regarding my mother, well, let's just say it's all I've ever known. Long story short, she cheated on my dad when I was ten, had some sort of secret affair with his so called best friend for about a year, I walked in on them, punched Matthew in the face and ran straight to Dad's office to let him know. We went through court hearings seeing as Mom didn't want to give my dad custody and because I was so young, I never got a choice in the matter anyway, so I was stuck with her after she was granted full custody and proceeded to live a life I hated.

At first Mom would slap me around a bit for being the reason her marriage failed; but she got over that once I told her if she hit me one more time I'd leave and go live with Dad. I don't know why she never let me go. Whether it was her pride or massive ego that she wanted to protect or whatever I'm still not sure. Anyway, I stayed with her, barely saw Dad and took up painting.

Today, I am a well-known painter, aged twenty-two and living freely on my own, with whatever hottie wants to spend the night with me. I ditched mom's place a day after I turned eighteen, successfully achieving my goal that I set after she forced me to see a counsellor. Apparently I was 'troubled'. Troubled my ass, she just refused to believe that I really didn't want to live with her after she hurt my father so badly.

Well there's that story, let's get on with this one shall we?

Tonight is my dad's bachelor party and tomorrow he will be married to the wonderful, Elizabeth Dawson. She is a beautiful woman, down to earth and perfect for my dad. They've been dating for four years now and I've only met Elizabeth about five or six times because of my busy schedule. Don't get me wrong, I love my father and completely agree, accept and support his choice to marry Liz, I just haven't been around because I've been promoting my art in Australia. I've only been back in Seattle for what, six hours tops?

They also have a son. Well Liz does, sort of.

His name is Memphis and she adopted him a little over a year before she met my dad. I don't know much about him and I've never met him before; pretty much all I know is that he is adopted. So that explains that story.

I scanned the crowd for a while, finally happy to be locked onto an identical pair of warm brown eyes. Pushing my way through the squashed bodies I made it through to engulf my dad in a tight hug.

"RYAN! Thanks for coming son!" He beamed, letting go. I took in his appearance and smiled. He still looked the same, tall build, broad shoulders and a face almost identical to my own; it's not surprising that we get mistaken for brothers, we look very alike; although he does seem to be sporting some fresh grey roots and a few wrinkles here and there. Overall, since the last time I saw him, he looks great, better than great, he looks content; and happy.

I roll my eyes and hug him once more, throwing in a quick "Wouldn't miss it for the world old man."

Moments later I was greeted by Dad's usual group of buddies, each slapping me five or giving me a man-hug. I took a seat at the bar, alongside Dad and ordered a beer. He gave me a warm smile which almost tore my heart apart; I haven't seen him in so long and I think it's taking its toll on the old man. Returning the gesture I clapped his shoulder and ordered him a drink as well.

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