Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

The next day I was up bright and early tidying my apartment. I had barely slept a wink last night save for the short moment of lush dreams I had starring a certain someone, wink wink, though after I woke there was no way in hell I was going back to sleep. It seemed I was riddled with anticipation and oddly enough, a fair amount of excitement as well.

I couldn't wait until noon.

I felt my OCD surge through the roof as I made sure that every inch of my apartment was presentable. As much as I was excited about having Memphis stay with me, I was as equally and if not a million times more nervous knowing that gorgeous specimen of man will be staying down the hall from me, at an exact total of 10 steps away from my room; 16 from his bed to my door and 22 from my bed to his.

Yep, I was definitely nervous.

If I had to name one attribute about myself from the top of my head it would always, without a doubt be that I never, ever get nervous. What can I say I'm a confident guy, yet here I am, tottering around my apartment like a stressed out housewife.

Shaking my head, I looked over the room I had allocated for Memphis and bit my lip, hoping it met his approval. The king size bed had been made up with dark grey and navy blue bedding, I'd installed a lamp on each bed side table, incase he liked to read and also had a 55inch flat screen mounted onto one of the bedroom walls. I bought a Playstation 4 as well as almost every single game the store had, a mini fridge that I'd filled to the brim with snacks and drinks and a decent sized couch, so that he had his own lounge area. The bathroom had been stocked with navy blue towels and a range of hygiene products he could use and a two seater table set sat in the corner of his adjoining balcony.

I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. Had I gone over board?

Just a tad. My inner voice scoffed.

Shaking my head I quickly looked over the room again and left, closing the door behind me. The room was perfect and even if I had gone over board hopefully he would like it.

As I walked away I checked the time, smiling from ear to ear as I saw it had just passed 11:00am. Knowing I now had an hour to kill, I made myself a snack, ate, washed up and headed for a shower. I scrubbed my body clean, over using my favourite body wash to ensure I smelt extra good and got out.

After drying off, I threw on a fitting black shirt and a casual pair of sweats before heading back to the mirror. My golden brown eyes were swimming with anticipation and my cheeks were lively with colour. I ran my hands through my hair a couple times, achieving my 'hot and messy' look, gave myself a once over and headed out.

I scooped my keys off the kitchen counter and left my apartment at ten minutes to twelve.

When I arrived at Dad's, I slid out of my R8, ignored the flock of birds that circled my stomach and walked right in.

"Hello?" I called from the entry way, which was met with a gruff "In here!" from down the hall. I took off my shoes and walked towards where the voice came from.

When I reached the lounge room, I was greeted by my father hugging the life out of an obviously over filled suitcase and Liz trying with all her might to pull the zipper shut. I mentally laughed at the scene, before my manners got the best of me and I was all out laughing at the two.

"Stop laughing or else you can get over here and close it for me." Dad grunted as a few beads of sweat rolled down his temple.

I rolled my eyes and motioned for him to put the bag down. When he did, I moved forward, laid the suitcase down flat and ordered my old man to sit on the top with his legs folded underneath him, to add more weight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2015 ⏰

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