We Need Food

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After Maggie and Glenn had there sweet baby girl Lila they had to go on runs for her. But even before that, they had to go on runs for baby Judith. So on these runs, they would get things for both of them. Double the baby powder, double the diapers, and double the food. They would need a pretty good amount. But they don't just need things for both of the babies. The group needs food. They'd been running low for a while and they were barely getting by. Rick and Daryl were talking about it when they started arguing. Daryl said," Well ya know what? Maybe if the little dinky farm outside hadn't been ruined by walkers then maybe we wouldn't have this problem Rick! You should of been taking care of it but you were to caught up in wondering where the hell the governor is now!" Rick replied with, "Well im sorry that im concerned about the groups safety including your's Daryl! You're like a brother to me. I would do anything for you and you know that!" "I know, I know." "So all we have to do is go out and hunt for food and look for plants that we can eat. So who are we gonna take with us Daryl?" Daryl then said, "Well we have to leave some of the stronger people here so they can protect the group." Rick replied with, "Ok then. Lets take Glenn, Carl, Bob, and Sasha with us. Oh and Michonne." "That works. I'll let them all know." Later on in the day Rick, Daryl, Glenn, Carl, Bob, Sasha, and Michonne all headed out while the rest of the group stayed behind. They drove into the woods in a van and they parked by a big rock so they knew where they were parked when they came back to it after hunting. Daryl and Glenn took off one way and the rest took off another. Glenn was a little bit farther ahead than Daryl. Glenn was staring at the ground looking for animal tracks when he saw a big light then bam. Right there in front of his face was a guy. He wore a trenchcoat. He then said, "Hi have you seen four average looking men around here at all?" "Umm no. Who in the hell are you and- and how'd you just appear like that," Glenn replied. Daryl slowly walked up to Glenn and the other guy and said, "Who is this Glenn?" Glenn then said, "I have no freakin idea. He just appeared right in front of me." Glenn and Daryl stared at each other for a few moments then looked back over to where the guy was standing and he was gone. They called the group over to where they were and explained all that had happened then they all went looking for a deer together. They finally found one and shot it. They put it in the back of the van and drove to the prison. None of them mentioned anything about what happened back in the woods to anyone at the prison. They just ignored it.

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