Speaking To Them

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Rick went and spoke to Dean, Sam, Cas, Kevin, and Crowley. He then asked, "Ok guys... so my son has been overhearing stuff and I wanted to clear it up. Its crazy but I need to know. Who's this guy named Lucifer, who are you, and what are you saying about the apocalypse?" Everyone looked shocked or something. They all wore plain but somewhat worried faces. Castiel then said, "Ok so here's the thing, Lucifer is the devil and he is the one who started the apocalypse. The reason he did so was because he wanted to take over the world, including Heaven. There is a special person that will have to surrender to Lucifer and that's why we're here. There is a bit more but I'll tell you later. For now all I have to say is, I know I sound crazy but its true and I am--- I am---- an angel! Wooh! That was hard to say out loud." Rick thought that Cas was crazy! Then Crowley had to add in something else, "And im a demon." Rick had a million things running through his head and he didn't quite understand everything because he was becoming a little lightheaded. He was so confused. He fell down and knocked his head on a table. He was knocked out. "Dad!" Carl ran in and looked at Rick. He was definitely out! "What'd you do to him you... monster?!" "Nothing," said Sam. It was true they did nothing, all that happened was Rick was in shock and passed out. Rick slowly opened his eyes. He was only out for about twenty minutes. "What the hell happened," he asked. "You passed out," said Dean. "Ok so I remember what happened before I passed out so here's a question what in the hell do we have to do to stop the apocalypse and who has to surrender because im ready for it to be over to be honest im done with this crap!" "First, we have to tell you everything. Second, we kick Lucifers butt, so no one has to surrender."  

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