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Midoriko P.O.V
We have arrived to headquarters safely, I was walking with the other pillars to the main house where Oyakata-sama lives and where the meetings take place. 

"Midoriko, we should go to Master's home to let him know that we have safely returned with you." I nodded in agreement and we started heading to Oyakata-sama home. When we got there, I told one of his daughter's that we wish to see him, she nodded and left, while we were waiting I felt something moving on leg and saw a white snake. 

"Kaburamaru don't climb on her without her consent." Obanai bend down for his snake and he apologized to me 

"I apologize for Kaburamaru for climbing without my noticed." He bowed his head down and I smiled softly at him and gave a gentle pat on the head 

"It's alright there's no need for you to bow your head down for me." He looked at me wide eyed with a slight blush painted on his cheeks.

Iguro P.O.V

When I noticed that Kaburamaru isn't around my neck, I looked around and saw him climbing on Midoriko's leg. I rushed and grabbed him, I apologized to her while bowing my head then I felt a hand on head and heard Midoriko say 

"It's alright there's no need for you to bow your head down for me." When I looked at her wide eyed when I saw her gentle smile of hers which made my cheeks turn a little pink and felt my heart beating fast again. "Are you feeling alright?" I felt Midoriko's hand touch my forehead "Your face is red but there's no fever... But just in case, I want you to take these and boil them in clean water."

She pulled out some herbs from her satchel and gave them to me

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She pulled out some herbs from her satchel and gave them to me. 

"Thank you..." I blushed again, I heard Mitsuri and Shinbou giggle that's when I realized that they were here the whole time. 

"Ara~ara~ That's so sweet of her to give you some herbs for sickness" Shinbou said while Mitsuri was blushing at me and Midoriko 'Midoriko gave Iguro-san some herbs for sickness. She's so nice and generous~' Midoriko tilted her head because she has no idea what they were talking, then one of Oyakata-sama's daughters came in 

"Master is here, please greet him." We all kneeled down 

"My children, I have heard you all returned to me safely along with Midoriko. I'm very happy and pleased."

Muzan's P.O.V
So that woman is with the wretched demon slayers corps, through my demons eyes I could see what they see and when I saw that woman though my demon's eyes she's indeed is a rare beauty. If upper moon 2 saw her, he would try everything to kill her or keep her and try to turn her into a demon. Though I didn't expect that she could kill demons with a bow and arrow "This is getting interesting... Once I have that woman, I'll make her tell me where the Blue Spider Lily is located."

Back at Demon slayer corps
All the pillars are listening to Oyakata-sama's orders 

"I want all of you to protect Midoriko at all cost, so that way no demons even Muzan's won't lay hand on her." They all agreed and the meeting came to an end, Mitsuri walked towards Midoriko 

Kimetsu no Yaiba Obanai x Fem Priestess PillarWhere stories live. Discover now