Happy New Year!

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After Gaga's Jazz show, they directed to her car by hand in hand.
Michael started kissing Gaga in the car.
"Happy new year baby"
"Haha..Michel wait, we are arriving home in a little" she whispered him.
"I can't...i want you, I want you to make you mine so terribly much." he said and continue kissing her.
"Ah..I want that too." she said and closed her eyes.

When they arrived at Gaga's home, they got entered and took off their coats.
"Ugh I'm starving, do you want to eat something?"
"Yes I want to eat you!" Michael said and kissed her with passion.
"Michael! Haha wait, let's eat and after."
"Okay, okay so what you have to eat?"
"Hmm..let me check..I have only, leftover pasta with.."Gaga stopped for a while.
"With what? Babe? Are u okay?"
"Ehm..yes, yes I am" she said and faked a smile. "You know what.. I have no appetite at all, let's go upstairs." she said and pulled him up from the chair while kissing and driving him up to the stairs.

The next morning they woke up together and they made their way downstairs to have their breakfast. Gaga opened her phone and saw 4 missed calls from Bobby.
"Sorry baby but I have to answer.." Gaga said.
"Of course love" Michael respond.
"Morning Bobby.."
"Ohh finally you answer to me!"
"What's going on and you call me so early?"
"I don't think 12 in the noon is early, by the way tell me that you didn't forgot your meeting with Haus today ?"
"Damn!"she whispered "...I mean of course not! I am on my way!bye!....Baby i have to go because Bobby gonna kill me if I late "Gaga said to Michael while picking her things.
"Okay love! Will we meet tonight??" Michael asked her and  drunk his coffee as fast as he could.
"Of course babe!.. I have some interesting plans for tonight" Gaga smirked "I will call you when I am back" said  kissing him for goodbye while making their way to the door.

Bradley was sitting on the couch watching TV when his phone rang.
"Happy New year my friend"
"Happy new year to you too! How are you doing Bradley?"
-"I am fine Dave .And you?"
-"I am good bro you know here with family kids. What about you? How's Lea? Irina?"
"Oh they are fine, they came here for Christmas and after will fly together for Italy."
Oh well, you know I...."
While Dave was speaking to Bradley, Bradley's eye catch a familiar person on television. He got up a little further in his post, and read the big black caption.


"...and how can I do that!? Tell me?..ehm..Bradley are you here ?"
"Dave talk to you later. Bye!" He said and closed the phone while turning the sound on.
Speaker; " But the question is who is this mysterious man Gaga left with by holding hands? They looked so in love btw at these videos! we wish her the best! Good evening to all!"

Bradley tightened his fists, and its features harden. He felt something strange inside him. Jealousy, rage, anger? He didn't know..all these emotions dominated him, choking him.. He got up from the couch, took his coat and he closed the door behind him loudly.


Gaga arrived finally home after a very tiring day. "Ugh finally home" she said and threw her high heels away. "Oh hey Asia! How is my little girl?"she said while caressing ber "did you missed mommy, huh?" She smiled and went upstairs to do a quick shower.
She looked at her clock. It was 19.00. "Okay i have 4 hours until Michael comes" she thought.
She dressed up wearing her sexy underwear for him, brushed and made her pink hair a messy bun. Also sprayed everywhere on her body with her favourite perfume, she took her robe and made her way downstairs.
"And now what to do to pass the time?" She thought.. her eyes went to her white piano. Gaga took a glass of red wine and sat on the piano. She didnt know what to play just placed her hands on the white keys and before she realized it, found herself playing the first chord strings from shallow.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Aksed herself and one at a time she got up from the piano, striking the lid vigorously.
At the same time she heard the bell ringing, she smiled, unbuttoned her robe and made her way to the door.
"Ugh babyy I am so glad that you came earlier, I couldn..." and she froze. Now, two blue eyes were looking at her from up to down.
Stefani quickly tied her robe again.
"Are you used to welcoming your guests like that?" Bradley asked her. "By the way it's not something I've never seen before."he smirked.
"What do you want here?"she asked him.
"Hello to you too! I am fine, thanks for asking....Aren't you going to tell me to come in?' Bradley said ironically. Stefani sighed.
"What do you want here Bradley?"Gaga said when she finally overweighted the shock and found her words.
"Where is he?" Bradley said opening the door while he was observing inside.
"Don't pretended that you don't know"
"This is none of your business" Gaga said starting to getting furious. "Go and fuck yourself" she whispered.
"Oh and the one you mentioned.. is he fucking you good?"
"Wh-What? With what right you came to my house after so long to ask such things?" Gaga started getting mad.
"No please I wanna know, so I want an answer."
"Get the fuck out of my house Cooper, now!....Oh and you know what? Yea he is totally hot and sexy! He is fucking me so well that all the neighbourhood hears me screaming his name all day and every night!..Did I cover you?"she teased him.
"Oh so desperate for fuck you were that you went with the first man you found?, oh I am sorry for second time."Bradley said regretting it immediately.
Stefani couldn't believe what she was hearing and she slapped him in the face.
"So if i am a bitch for you what the hell are you doing here Cooper?"she shouted
Bradley who realised that his words hurt her.
"Ugh! I am so sorry! Stef..I don't know what's the matter with me! Sorry i didn't mean it.! I just got too mad and.. I .. I. Sorry..."he said and lowered his head.
"Fuck you Bradley" she said holding her tears grasping... "You mustn't cry in front of him again!" she repeated to herself.
When she felt that she couldn't hold her tears she moves away from him immediately, turning her back, at him.
"You better leave.." Gaga said ..
Bradley approached her from behind..
"Stef, listen, I'm sorry..This reaction was because.."
"Because what..?"she said with  broken voice.
"Because.. I can't imagine someone else to touching you..."and he started caressing her shoulders. He continued "to kiss you".. he started kissing her neck with so much passion sure thing that he left marks on her neck. Gaga closed her eyes feeling his touch and lips on her back. He lowered her robe a little and he saw her rose -tattoo.
"You are only mine...you have my signs everywhere on your body" he whispered to her and started kissing her tattoo from top to bottom in her waist.
"..Bradley please stop..ah"Gaga said trying to make him stop.
"I will stop only if you said to me that you don't want me" Bradley said making her turn towards him. She looked him into these blue eyes.. These eyes were flipped her world up years ago. And now they were in front of her again. After so many months, so many hurts.
"Say it!" Bradley said and stared into her green eyes.
"I..I don't.." and before she could finish his lips sealed her own leading to a kiss full of passion, desire and love.
She coudn’t resist anymore. It was a loosing game.


I hope you'll like this new one shots story!. It's a new attempt. So leave your votes, comments to understand if you like it! Kisses 💋💋

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