"Shh! It's me."

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Warning!!! Rated:Mature.🔞

As the interview ended, Gaga got up and left the stage. She headed to the bathroom while was holding her tears after this emotional moment. She wanted to break out.
"Oh no, no I am not gonna cry now. Pull your shit together" she whispered to herself while walking to the path looking for the bathroom to wipe her tears which was starting ruinining her make-up.
"Where the fuck is it?"
Gaga suddenly felt a hand touching her arm and pulling her into a dark room. Gaga was terrified for a minute and was ready to scream but a hand held her mouth shut and turned her toward him.
"Shh ! It's me, don't be afraid" Bradley said.
"Ah, oh my..Bradley! you scared me." she said and wiped her tears.
"What are you doing here?"she asked him and staring him into his blue ocean eyes.
"..You were so good out there, so strong, so brave, I am so proud of you, Stef. Υou went out there with such courage, and you told them your own story, your own truth. You tackled it all without fear. Νo one does that and you did it babe..I am so proud, always believing in you" Bradley said while Gaga's tears fell down looking away.
He quickly lift his hand and wiped them and caressed her cheeck, looking her inside her big green eyes.She fell inside his arms.
"I know, thank you"she whispered to him. Bradley slipped to her neck and took a deep breath of her scent. Stefani shuddered and felt her body numb from his touch.

He started to leave small kisses on her neck and she left a small sigh. Suddenly Brdaley lifted her up and put her legs around his waist.
"No...Bradley.."she said quietly. He put her on the sink.
"Shh.."he whispered and stucked his lips with hers passionatelly. Gaga put her hands reluctantly to his hair and pulled him more close to deepen their kiss.

She gently pulled him and left a sigh staring into his eyes. Bradley without taking his look away from hers, slowly lowered her pants and underwear. She felt her whole body unable to move from his touch and after all the charged atmosphere which lived out there before, she was needing him. With one move, Bradley lowered his trousers and found himself inside her. They both sighed from the abrupt contact. His thursts was slow, very slow, full of desire and love.

"Still I can't believe what you did out there" he whispered to her ear and started kissing her neck with passion.
"Ahh..."Gaga sighed.
"I am so proud baby" he said and continued his slow, deep movements steadily.
"Bradley..."she whispered.
"I..I want..ah"
"What do you want Stef?..Tell me."
"F-Faster please.." she didn't have to repeat it and the next second he was doing deep fast-peaced thursts in and out of her.

"AHH.."Gaga sighed loudly.
Suddenly they heard a voice from far outside.
"Gaga? Where is she?"..Gaga?"
With one move Bradley lifted her up and rested her on the wall next from the door. He stretched out his hand and turned the key, locking the door.
"Is Gaga here?" Oprah asked and knocked on the door. They both looked each other with Bradley continue moving inside her.
"Hm..maybe not" she said and walked away.
"AH..FUCK..BRADLEY"she shout as he hit her g-spot.
"Shh! baby they will listen you" he said and put his hand on her mouth quickly. His hard cock was deep inside her and did some last tough thursts.
"Cum with me.."Bradley whispered to her and they both cum together.
"Did she heard us?"Gaga asked him.
"I hope not" he said and left her slowly to step on the ground.

"This has to stop sometime.."she said looking at him through the mirror as she straightens her pink hair.
"I will pass from your house tomorrow"
"This is not going to continue and no you will not come. I won't be there either. I'm leaving for vacation." Stefani said and turned towards him.
"With who? will he be with you too?" He asked her and clenched his palms.
Gaga didn't answer, she looked him in the eyes for a moment, unlocked the door and left closing the door behind her. A loud sound was heard as Bradley gave a loud rattle from his nerves at the door.

A few minutes later Gaga found Sarah and the others waiting for her.
"Stef where were you? Oprah was searching you"
"Ah sorry Sar I was..I was in the bathroom."
"Come here to fix a little your make-up, it seems ruined.. you were crying?" Sarah asked her.
"A little.."
"Oh..Congratulations on what you did out there love. You were amazing, I am so proud."she said as she was making her makeup.
"Hm..Stef?..Were you alone in the bathroom?" Sarah asked her and Stefani changed 10 colours.
"Eh..yes! of course Sarah! Jesus. With whom should I be in the bathroom? Of course I was alone!"
"Αnd what is that?"
"What is what?"
"A purple hickey on your neck." and looked at her with implied.
"Α purple what?.."she said she opened her eyes wide.
"Fuck!..cover it, cover it Sarah quickly"
"Oh!! did Michael come to see you huh?"
"Ehm.. no it was.."she whispered as she heard Oprah's voice from outside.
"Where is she?? where is Gaga?" She got into the room and Gaga stand up quickly.
"Can i tell you" Gaga approached her with tears ready to fall again.
"You were so amazing, you were so good, you were so vulnerable, you were so simple, so real! I can't even believe you were doing that...I could even as like am I listening correctly?.."she said and hugged her. "Omg you were so real, so strong! It was so good so you...Thank you for doing that for me.
"Ah of course i will"Gaga said.
Thank you for doing that.
"Oh god it was so good."
"Thank you" Gaga whispered.
"That was just you..Nobody does that and you know that. Nobody does that! And you just did it."
"I love you"
"Thank you" Oprah said one more time and walk out of the room, left Gaga speechless and emotional.

Oprah was walking backtage of the studio trying to reach the stage.
"Bradley?" She whispered totally in shock. "Bradley!" Shouted at him a little when she recognised him.
"Ah hey..! Oprah.. how are you?" He answered trying to hide his emparrasment." She caught him from his shirt and drove him quckly to the nearest dressing room.
"What are doing here?" She asked him directly.
"Ahh..I.. i come to to.."Bradley was trying to find his words.
"To?"Oprah said with a suspicious look.
"Ehm..To say a hi?"Oprah crossed her arms and looked at him angrily.
"Okay..okay..I came here because I missed you and I wanted to see my dear friend, is this so bad?". Bradley said putting a happy face ."Soo yes, i saw you so..it's better to go now! bye!". He said and tried to leave hopefully without Oprah asking him more questions.
"Hm okay.."Oprah said because she didn't want to push the conversation but while Bradley was leaving she notice something strange.
"Ohh wait ,wait you have something on your shirt." Oprah said and caught him by his shirt.
"Oh ehm doesn't matter it's okay.."Bradley said trying to avoid her gaze
"No, no let me see.." she said and saw red marks from a lipstick.
"Who are going to fool" Oprah said. Of course she understood from the start what was happening and who the lipstick was. Bradley didn't answer and looked down to avoid her gaze.

"Ahh God! give me strength.. what I will do with you two? I am trying to cover you! And again today, we had to disappear the rumors and you came here? Do you have your minds?. What if anyone saw you?"she said him with indignation.
"Yes you are right.."Bradley said obviously sorry and sad.
"Ahh...look, i am your friend and I am trying to protect you both, but you aren't letting me"
"Yea..I am sorry..I know what you do is for our good but I just couldn't hold back.. she was so.. wonderful..I just couldn't..please understand me ..!"
"Yea..she was so amazing and strong i am so proud of her Bradley.. she is very strong but you can't continue like this..you have to control yourselves because the next time i wouldn't be there to help you"
"You are right ..sorry. I promise you that i will try harder, this time.."Bradley ensured her
"There were more times like this one? Oh my Gosh! I don't want to know anything. Really!"
Oprah said and Bradley was ready to answer.
"Bye Bradley!"Oprah said and left before he could respond.
"Shit"Bradley said and left unnoticed.


I hope you'll like this shot!. Leave your votes, comments to understand if you like it! See you on the next chapter! Kisses 💋💋

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