"I broke up with Michael.."

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Later that Night...

"Ah I can't believe this! Gosh I am so stupid. I swear you are gonna regret this Cooper! You don't have any idea with who you come up with." she said to herself, trying to calm down patiently waiting on the path, behind a wall without losing his room from her visual field.

"Ah come on...come out of the room please.." she whispered to herself trying not to lose her patience. Stefani started walking up and down to the path analyzing her plan once more in her mind trying to regain her composure.
"Bye baby I"ll not be late! " Gaga listened a familiar voice and saw Ana making her way out of the room, immidiately ran back behind the wall noiselessly. She stuck with her back to the wall "fuck that was near" Gaga thought.

Okay, now is the time! Relax and you have it!" Gaga said to herself running her hand through her messy hair while walking slowly to Bradley's room.
She took two big breaths and knocked on the door waiting him to open the door.

"Ah Ana, what did you forge-"Bradley stayed dry when saw Gaga in front of him smiling. "Well, well  look who showed up! Is everything okay? How can i help you?"Bradley put his ironically smile and said.
"Asshole" Stefani thought and continued "Can I come in?..Are you alone?"she asked him, when Bradley didn't make a move she took the situation to her hands and pushed Bradley slightly and make her way in his room.
"Hm.. nice room" Stefani said while guiding herself to the suite and throwing herself to the big bed.
"What do you want here?" Bradley asked, a little confused by her unexpected visit.

Gaga immediately stood up from the bed and grabbed him from his neck pulling him close to her.
"I want you!"
"Oh yes, of course.."he said and pulled her hands down from him.
"Bradley listen.." she said and caressed his face. "I can't pretend anymore that I don't want you because the truth is that I can't live without you. I can't stand the idea that you are with someone else, you know all this time we are apart I tried hard to get you out of my mind but it's impossible"
"And why now?"Bradley found the power to speak.
"Because B.. after the-you know in the pool, I couldn't hold it anymore and I.."
"You, what?" He asked her and took a deep breath obviously elated from their close contact.
"I broke up with Michael, babe..I-I just want you.. please" she whispered and locked her lips with his  without giving him the chance to respond. 

They started taste each other lips with passion while Bradley was carresing her back.
"Shh..just let me" she said and pushed him on the bed. She fell up to him and gave him one last kiss with passion and stood up.

Gaga bowned down, on her knees and stood between his legs. Bradley lifted and rested on his elbows. She, quickly ziped off his pants and threw them away. Stefani started rubbing his erect dick through his boxers and Bradley groaned.  She slid his boxers down slowly without taking his eyes from hims. His dick was wide awake.

Stefani took her tongue and licked up his shaft and down again stopping at the head teasing it a bit. She felt herself start to got wetter.
"No, no Stef concentrate, you didn't came here for this."she thought and shook her head.

"Ah..Stef.. What's goin' on? ..Oh, don't stop" Bradley whispered in that sexy voice and made her kitty quiver. She wrapped both of her hands around it and started going to work. Slurping and sucking taking all of him. 

"Shit, babe suck it harder.."he said gripping her hair and pushed his dick to the back of her throat. She took her left hand and started squeezing his balls to make him cum faster.
"OH..oh Stef I-ohh.."
"Ah yes!..ah"
"Perfect" she said and smirked, she pulled herself up and took her jacket. "What are looking at? I think you can finish alone." Gaga said and got out of the room having a big smile of the winner on her mouth while Bradley hit with power the matters still stirred up.

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