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~ Andy's POV ~
It wasn't often that I sat in my room waiting for something interesting to happen, but it was happening more and more recently. I found myself sitting on my phone looking at everyone else's exciting lives, whether they were just normal people on vacation or celebrities with millions of fans.

That's what I wanted. I wanted to sing for people and I wasn't really doing anything to kick off that career. I had a few gigs here and there in local shops, but nothing that would get me to the top of the charts.

I wasn't a model and I for sure didn't have a super great voice, but it was my dream to have people here my voice and know what I thought about different issues on the world. I didn't want any of that meaningless crap written for me like most pop stars now. I wanted to write my own songs with my own thoughts.

But as of now that was not a possibility since I worked at the local grocery store checking people out. It's possibly the worst job to exist, but it's paying my bills, kind of. I was behind a little on rent, yes, but I was doing the best I could.

Currently I am on my way to this job and I was trying to get ideas for the new song I was trying to write, but the radio wasn't helping. All they seemed to play was Rye Beaumont. Sure he had a great voice, but his songs were all about girls and sappy love songs, nothing on the important issues of today.

I mean I can't really hate the guy because I haven't met him, but I hate his music. My best friend Charlotte seems to love it though. All she talks about is how great his voice is and how hot he is, which she's not wrong about. He is probably one of the most attractive men I have ever seen, but he also has the biggest ego I've ever seen. You can tell he loves himself and when Charlotte puts on his interviews, it's hard not to roll your eyes at him. He's also all anyone talks about now. I can't go anywhere without hearing his name or voice and it's starting to get on my nerves.

That matter wasn't taken care of when I walked in the store either because the first thing I saw was my coworker Graham running toward me.

"Are you excited for tonight?" He asked me and I could tell he was having a hard time staying calm about whatever he was talking about.

"Why would I be?" He dropped his jaw and shook his head disapprovingly at me.

"You're telling me that Andy Fowler isn't excited to see Rye Beaumont perform here, in our own city?" I rolled my eyes dramatically and sighed as heavily as possible.

"Why would I be? Plus I'm not going." I could see the confusion in his face as he followed me to my check out station.

"I thought Charlotte would take you and I thought you liked him because you're gay. He's a hard one to resist for all genders." I laughed lightly and pushed his shoulder playfully.

"Well Charlotte got tickets, but she's taking one of her other friends because I didn't want to go. Plus, just because I'm gay doesn't mean I like every guy you know. I mean yeah he's hot and has a good voice, but that's about it with him." He nodded understandingly and walked around to his own check out station so he could get ready for the work day.

"You know, you two wouldn't make a bad couple." I couldn't help but laugh hard at that one. He smiled as he watched my reaction, but wasn't anywhere near my amount of laughter.

"Are you kidding? He's a superstar and I'm just plain Andy. Also, I wouldn't get with him for all the money in the world." I turned on my one as I saw the doors to the store open and Graham followed in my actions.

"That's tough, Fowler. You never know what will happen." He said turning around to help his first customer. Charlotte probably would've fought with me over what he had said. She's one of those fans who would die to be with him and she gets mad when anyone is actually in a relationship with him. It's annoying more then not, but I've learned to ignore it.

For the rest of my day, it was mostly normal besides all the talk about tonight's concert. There was multiple little girls wearing his merch who were running a few errands before with their parents and there was also many older girls who were grabbing stuff to go wait in lines. It felt like so much for one person.

I wasn't even sure I wanted that much fame or if anyone really wanted that much fame. He probably couldn't even go anywhere without being recognized. I couldn't imagine having to deal with that.

Graham had waited for me to finish my work before we started to walk to our cars. We usually did this everyday, but busy days were the ones where we would go out after and relax a little bit.

"Do you want to go to a bar? I feel like getting drunk tonight." He said causing me to laugh. I shrugged and thought about any other possibilities for a second.

"That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea." He smiles and nodded to himself.

"Trust me, I know." He said and before either one of us could strike up another conversation, my phone rang causing me to jump slightly. I looked to see it was Charlotte and was confused because she should be getting ready for her concert. I answered it and was met with the voice of a very stressed Charlotte.

"Andy! Thank god you answered! Look my friend got super sick last minute and now I have nobody to go to the concert with. Can you please go with me? I will do anything, literally anything! I will owe you my life I swear." I could feel the surprise go through my body when she asked me to go. I really wasn't expecting that.

"Cmon Charlotte. I don't like him and I don't really want to sit at his concert for an hour." Graham looked at me amused and I could only see the smirk on his face.

"Please Andy it's for me! I'm not going to this concert alone!" She yelled at me through the phone. I sighed and knew that if I didn't say yes she would kill me.

"Fine Charlotte, but you owe me big time." She squealed happily through the phone and I looked over at Graham with a defeated look.

"Great because I'm already on my way to pick you up. See you soon, love you!" She hung up before I could say anything else and I realized that I was still in the grocery store parking lot.

"I guess we will have to cancel our plans for tonight." I said to Graham as he nodded slightly.

"And why is that, Fowler?" He asked with the same smirk still plastered on his face. I frowned and made my way to my car.

"Because it looks like I have to go see Rye Beaumont."

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