Bruh this is practically nothing but filler (3)

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It's too warm.

What is this place?

What are those things?

It's too warm.

Why am I here?

What's this barrier?

It's too warm.

What are they doing?

What am I doing?

Why am I here?

It's too warm.

Where am I?

How does one react...properly to such a sight.

According to Thomas and James, unrepressed and speechless awe.

According to the Rev' Set, screaming.

"I know right?! It's a fuckin MERMAID," hollered the freckled specialty nurse. Herc cleared his throat in a way that was totally inconspicuous, "actually I believe he'd be a mer-MAN."

Their French friend appeared from seemingly nowhere as he put his two cents in while grabbing his friend's face, "Herc, hun', mon ami, Cherie," he stage whispered the next part, "specifics don't mean shit. There is a MER-PERSON IN OUR MID!"


"Oh, thats just more specifics!"

Another throat clearing quickly took the attention that the Rev' Set was attracting to them and onto the woman who demanded it. "I do believe Mr. Washington has a few inputs here."

"Thank you, Ms. Schuyler," Washington turned to the crowd within the room as the door shut behind him, the crowd outside still roaring with anticipation.

"This specimen was found on the shores of Sandy Point State Park nearly half an hour ago. Now," he paused and then asked the room, "we're all acquainted with George Fredrick, yes?"

A chorus of sighs resounded through the group as they all recalled the King.

George Fredrick was the founder of the King's Aquatic Conservation Center, the company that the WMLCC used to be a part of but then they branched out after an obvious rift between the workers. Most of the employees used to work for "King" at the KACC and his presence alone was what convinced most of them to help Washington create his own conservation center for marine life.

Washington didn't let the obvious discontent that was shown by his employees hinder him, "well, his employees were the ones who found this...specimen on the beach, but due to legal fees regarding our companies' domains and the complicated legitimacies of the situation, our company was able to stake legal claims over this specimen before Fredrick could. That being said, we might have a few...instances regarding the KACC, our new specimen, and the media for the next few months so be wary of that. We'll hold a meeting later to further discuss the proper response to any issues we may have in the future regarding these things." He took a breath, "Now onto our new specimen. Angelica?"

The aforementioned woman stood from her seat. "As you could imagine... we don't exactly have much information on this...species."

"Oh for Jesus's sake! Call him a mermaid!" Lafayette exclaimed.

"We can't claim the species as 'mermaid' since first of all: it isn't accurate, and second of all: the name is so advertised that it would seem childish to actually call it a mermaid." She irritably iterated. "But," she continued at the uncharacteristic, unamused looks shown her way. "I suppose for convenience sake, we'll call it a siren until we have a suitable name."

First Impressions aren't Everything | Jamilton | Mermaid/Siren/Whatev AuWhere stories live. Discover now