Getting things ready and becoming steady

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Jovenshire POV*
"Josh, Joshy," I heard someone calling me out of my sleep. I opened my eyes, noticing I was in a car with Matt and I had a diaper on. "Sweetie lets go," Matt cooed, talking to me like I was baby. At first I was dumbfounded at what was going on, I suddenly remember the events from only a hour before. I blushed, just noticing how much of myself I revealed to him, shaking my head.
"Josh, let's go," he warned giving me THE look, I just sat there fiddling with my thumbs. Matt sighed and gave up, not even 10 seconds later he walked over to my side.
"Upsie daisy," Matt said, picking me up and tossing me in the air a bit. I let out a harmless giggle, letting my infant personality take over.
*Sohinki's POV*
It really is adorable what Joshua does, but i think I just realised how this could be a problem. He has to film game bang, grand theft smosh, the bonus video and maricraft. I ignored those problems and decided to play it by ear. I carried him in like a child, which looked pretty strange cause like I said he is half of a foot larger than me in size. When we walked inside I was surprised to see shopping carts with fronts big enough for adults to sit in. I carefully put josh in the front, and rolled the cart out, time for our little shopping adventure. We started off getting 10 packages of diapers, a few onesies, a teething ring, and a few different dummy's so he didn't have to continue to suck his thumb. I didn't really care about having to change him to be completely honest. I mean I have babysat before the only difference is that he is older and larger. Then continuing we got bottle formula, I ignored his protests. I knew he didn't want this but you know it's better than mushed carrots and he wanted to be a baby so he's going to get what he gets. For the first time in a while I saw Joven's eyes light up, when we went by the toy aisle.
"You want some toys," I asked him like he really was a two year old, already knowing the answer. We went down the aisles of toys and ended up getting a teddy bear, night time books, a play mat, blocks and a few other objects he wanted. I mean come on you can not say no to that face. Our last stop was the furniture aisle. I found a crib that was only $150 that included a mattress. I found a batman mobile which seemed to make joven pretty happy, I continued on to get a changing table and a high chair too. I almost left the aisle without a car seat and carriage, that would have been horrible. We finally got to the counter, I played peek-a-boo with josh. The women told us how much it was and the price was cheaper then I suspected, I didn't really care how much it was I just wanted to keep Joshy happy. I thanked the lady, and put the bags in the cart with josh, and the crib, and high chair underneath.
When we got to the car I noticed he was slowly falling back asleep, struggling to keep his eyes opened. I pulled out a dummy, cleaned it off by putting it in my mouth like I used to do when I babysat my little cousin, and put it in his mouth. He gabbled a bit around the pacifier, falling asleep a bit. I put the cart to the side of the car and took the car seat out of the box and slid it into place in the back of the car. I looked over at Josh and he was asleep in the cart, looking precious with the small object in his mouth bouncing up and down, up and down. I took him out of the cart,sat him in the car seat, and buckled him up. I quickly loaded the car, putting the cart back, and running back to the car to go start driving home. We were in the driveway, than joven woke up crying and sobbing very loudly. I unbuckled my seatbelt and ran to him,so this is what being a parent is like.
"Shhh baby, shhh" I coxed, trying to calm him down by rocking him a little, bringing him inside so none of the neighbours heard or saw. His sobbing died a little but I noticed he was heavier than before. I slipped his pants off, noticing the diaper looked soaked. "Oh babe," I mumbled. I ran bag to the car to grab a few bags I needed, and carried it inside. I put a towel on the ground and took off the diaper, tears were still rolling down his face. He put up quite a fight, but I finally got the clean diaper on. I found a train tshirt and threw that on, leaving his diaper fully exposed at the moment.i picked him up, settled him on my hip, and walked into the living room. Setting him down on the the ground, I turned on the television and American horror story was on, he clapped his hands in delight.
"No babe you can't watch this," I told him, turning on power rangers. He looked up at me tears waiting to fall, until he realised what I turned on instead. He squealed, pointing at the TV, and then became hypnotised by it. I ran back to the car and grabbing the rest of the bags, but leaving the crib and high chair. After shutting the trunk, I ran back inside to see Josh still laying there, watching the show. I began to unpack on the couch, until I realised I forgot to pick up a baby monitor. "Shit," I swore under my breath. I looked up to see if Josh heard me, luckily he didn't while he still watched the show. I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to bring him out again in the risk of a fan seeing him. I sighed, and walked over to him and petting his head. He looked up at me confused.
"Babe we have a problem," I confessed to him, his eyes largening. "I forgot to get something and we can't go out again..So we kind of need to tell someone to go get it." I continued. He began to cry, spitting out his pacifier, knowing one of his other friends need to know the secret. "Who do you want to know?" I asked, hugging him. He cuddled up into my neck and mumbled something. "What was that sweetie?" I questioned.
"Mawee" He finally said, after thinking for a while.
"Mari?" I asked. He nodded his head, agreeing. I smiled, knowing she always found Joven adorable either way. I stood up and walked into the kitchen to go text Mari, but Joven began to cry. Putting my phone in my back pocket, I ran back into the living room and picked him up. "What's the matter, what's the matter?" I asked bouncing him.
"Are you hungry? Hmm?" I asked, he shook his head no even though it was clearly yes. He becomes embarrassed so easily, he clearly wants this but I have to tell him it's okay to do these things. I brought him into the kitchen and sat him on the back of the counter. I found a formula in one of the bags and a baby bottle, I put the formula in the microwave. While I was waiting for the minute to pass I played peek-a-boo with Joshua. He is still probably the shyest person I ever met, he laughed every time. The microwave beeped causing him to freak out a bit and start crying again.
"Come on love," I said picking him up and carrying him over so I could get the bottle. We went back into the living room to were sponge bob now plays, and sat down on the couch with him in my lap. He made grabby hands towards the bottle, not crying, but stopped immediately when he noticed what he was doing. I couldn't help but chuckle, I put the nipple towards his mouth and he didn't take it.
"Come on Joshy it's okay," I coxed, he reluctantly took it in his mouth and began to suck on it. When he was half way done, I held him over my shoulder and burped him, surprisingly it sounded like a child's, not even himself. I smiled a bit, and laid him back down. He blushed, avoiding my face, he's too cute.
"Josh come on finish the baba," I quietly said to him, lifting his head up. He looked at the bottle, and began to suck on it again. When he finished it, his eyes began to flutter shut, I put him next to me, and took out my phone. I clicked on Mari's contact.
"Hey Mari,
I need you to pick something up for me. Come over when you can, it will be easier to explain.
Thanks so much,
A/N: I think I'm just going to make this a Jovinki story. I have other things in mind so yeah. Anyway what's going to happen when Mari comes over. :) thanks for reading xxx

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