Mari :)

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*Mari's POV*
My phone vibrated, notifying me I had a text. I picked up my phone to read the text, it was from Matt...strange I never get messages from Matt.
It read:
Hey Mari,
I need you to pick something up for me. Come over when you can, it will be easier to explain.
Thanks so much,

I was so confused so I typed back:
um sure Matt, I'll see you tomorrow at noon I guess.

Instantly I got a reply
Thank you Mari, you're going to be in for a surprise.

I had no clue what he meant so I just left it at that. I checked the time to see it was 10:30, I decided to fall asleep. I dragged my way to my bedroom and collapsed on my bed. I fell asleep in less then a count to 50.

*Sohinki's POV*
I went onto twitter and tweeted out: Sorry no live stream tonight a bit busy tonight :)
Instantly getting replies like "OOO Sohinki's getting some" or "Mari must be over ;)" "it's fine have fun!" I laughed quietly to myself and turned on South Park. During a commercial I looked over at joven, he was stirring in his sleep. He stopped, when the program came back on. In the middle of the episode, I heard small whimpers. I looked over at Joven, who was wide awake and trying not to cry. I pulled him into my lap, "it's alright babe it's alright," I murmured to him. I didn't feel any extra weight, but he was clinging onto my shirt.
"You had a nightmare?" I questioned, rubbing his back. I felt him nod into my shirt. I carried him into the kitchen again and went into one of the bags. I collected the teddy bear and his blanket, he didn't even look to see what I was doing. I sat him next to where I would be sitting on the couch. He looked up to see what I was doing. I put the blanket over the teddy bear and began telling a story. "There was once a bear who lived in the forest," I began pulling the teddy bear from underneath the blanket. "He loved to keep little boys safe through the night from monsters and demons." I continued, making the teddy bear "walk" over to him. "He hugged them throughout the night, and wouldn't let anybody bother them," I ended the story settling the teddy bear on his lap. He looked at me, like asking for permission to take the bear. I gave him a small smile to reassure him, and he hugged the bear tight. He yawned a tiny bit, his eyelids drooping.
"Go to sleep boo, Mari is coming over tomorrow." I told him, lying him down and putting his blanket over him. "Night babe," I whispered kissing his forehead, and paying attention to the television once again. His eyes were then squeezes shut, I noticed the time was 1:00am and I decided to fall asleep too. I fell asleep sitting up next to my "baby."
*****TIME SKIP ⏰⏰⏰ to noon the next day*******
*Sohinki's POV Still*

I had to change Joshua again since he wet himself, he put up a bigger fight. I guess he's nervous that Mari's coming over.
"Hey Josh, you know Mari is going to be here any minute right? So let's move this stuff into the living room," I said picking him up, he hid his face in the crook of my neck.
"Stay here," I told him, putting him down on the couch. I went back into the nursery and grabbed his mat and the blocks he was playing with. I went back into the living room, and set his stuff down. I looked over at him and he was pointing to the ground, I looked and saw the blue binky he had in his mouth yesterday. I smiled a bit, cleaning it with wetting it with my lips, and put it in his mouth. He giggled, delighted, and then the doorbell rang. I looked at him, he looked nervous, I put him down on the mat and went toward the door.
"Hey Mari!" I greeted her.
"Hi so what's the situation?" She asks, as I allow her in.
"Follow me," I said, leading her into the living room.
"I don't-" she started, she than saw Joven in what he was wearing.
"Awe Jovie!" She cooed, walking over to him. His face was a dark crimson, and Mari found it unbelievably adorable with the pacifier in his mouth and diaper around his waste. She picked him up, and a look came across her face.
"Why is he so light?" She asked holding him, looking at me. I shrugged, not knowing the answer.
"Josh, can I talk to big Joshua?" She asked, putting him down. He looked reluctant for a second, but decided to slip out. Mari stared at him, obviously knowing that he slipped out, because the light in his eyes disappeared.
"Jovie why are so light," Mari questioned, I looked at him wanting to know the answer too.
"Because I think I'm fat so I stopped eating." He bluntly said, then murmured something under his breath. I couldn't make it out, but Mari did, I knew by the fact at how she gave a small smile.
"AWEEEE OH MY GOSHHHH I SHIP ITTTTT!" She squealed. "But you need to start eating and I know Sohin will help you." She said, staring at me.
He whimpered a bit looking at his dummy, wanting to put it back in his mouth. Mari smiled "Go ahead Joshua," she reassured. I smirked walking over to him and putting it in his mouth, he gargled around it going back to play with his toys.
"So what do you need me to get?" She questioned, after watching joven for a little while.
"A baby monitor, we kinda forgot one and we don't want to risk running into a fan in public." I admitted.
"It's fine Matt, I'll go get the monitor, and I have a feeling you didn't set anything up yet so I'll help you when I get back." She called to me, leaving to go to a store. She obviously agreed with this situation which made me happy.
After I played with Josh for a hour, Mari came back with 5 different bags.
"Mari we needed one thing," I whined.
"Well I found a few other," she started, crouching down to joven's sitting place taking something out of the bag. "This," she ended shaking the rattle. Joven looked up at her and wanted to grab the toy but he was too embarrassed to do so. Being friends with someone for years you can tell when they want to and don't want to do so and their emotions. "Go ahead joshie, take it" she coxed handing it to him. He smiled, shaking the toy making the beads inside hit inside the spear, he began to giggle as well.
"So practically you just spoiled the shit out of him by getting him a bunch of toys aswell." I concluded talking to her.
She hit my arm "don't curse in front of him!" She demanded.
"Jeez alright sorry," I apologised. "Can you help me with the crib, changing table, and high chair now?" I pleaded. She agreed looking at Joven who, once again shook the rattle. I went out to the car in the driveway and pulled out the crib.
"Let's start with the crib," I said, dragging the box inside. When we finally finished setting up the crib, I heard a small whine. We put the mattress and new sheets on the bed, setting up the batman mobile in the process. Meanwhile Mari was saying how we should set up the high hair next. I walked into the living room to see josh rubbing his eyes.
Picking him up from behind, he turned around to look at me. He yawned and pointed to the ground, his dummy and his teddy was laying there. I leaned down,holding him still, and picked up his belongings. I carried him in the nursery which was the old guest bedroom, and put him down in the crib. He grabbed toward me, after i put the dummy back in his mouth and his teddy down.
"Shhh boo. It's alright matt's here, nothing's going to happen. Shhh" I calmed him down, turning on the mobile. Slowly his eyes began to flutter shut, I put one of the baby monitors to the side of his crib and walked out.
"Awe Mattie! You two are so cute," she squealed, I noticed something on her hand.
"Mari, where did you get that ring?" I practically smirked.
"Damn! I was going to tell all of you together!" She cussed.
"Well?" I urged to know.
"Peter and I are engaged!" She squealed again.
"Congratulations," I congratulated.
"Anyway back to this Jovinki thing. Do you like Joshua?" She gossiped. I blushed. Damn, yeah okay I loved josh before this...
"You do!" She jumped up and down.
"Yeah yeah yeah alright shhhhhhhh," I begged, "let's just finish setting up." The high chair was pretty easy but setting the changing table was a bit of trouble. We had to set it into the wall, and I kept getting nervous it would fall. Still having the baby monitor in my back pocket, I heard a cry coming from it. I looked at Mari, my eyes pleading.
"Go matt, take care of the baby I got it." She said.
"THANK YOU!" I called leaving the room, and running towards Josh's room. He was still asleep, but he was whimpering and crying.
"Josh, josh hunny it's alright," I comforted him, trying to wake him up.
"Daddy," he whined not knowing what he just said. Once he realised his face became very red.
"It's alright boo, I'm your daddy. I'll take care of you," I promised.
A/N: hehe I have a few things planned!

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