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    News reports come on to a television in the U.S. as the occupants were strangely absent "We are currently looking at a peace returning to the region now that the EU have intervened in the Morocco coup as Prime Minister Hamir Kulva is elected and promises to strengthen ties with the-" static came on screen cutting the broadcast short.


    The screen returned to normal as a the words breaking news appeared on screen it is now in Dubai the news reporter was speaking in Arabic. "The Islamic Republic of Iran has signed an alliance with the countries of  Afghanistan, and Iraq as he promised that unless Saudi Arabia relents on the trade embargos on them it will not hesitate to use force." the reporter brought out a piece of paper"King Hashim has made his response public from the palace in Riyadh stating that quote, I will not relent unless Iran admits that it is  pursing research into weaponizing viruses to use against the Arabian Peninsula Coalition to take control, the U.N. has yet to make the potential threat of nuclear weapons being used known, onto other-." Once more the screen became static as an explosion happened in the background and the house it was in was demolished.


    All over the world there were reports coming in of a catastrophe that rocked the world forever. Several screens were showing the same thing the reporters speaking in English, Russian, French German, Chinese, Hindu, Arabic, Hebrew, Afrikaans, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish and all kinds of languages. "As you can see this is" another reporters speaking in Russian continued "A catastrophe that is unprecedented and will " the Arabic and Hebrew reporters carried on talking at the same time"Have (Have) disastrous (disastrous) effects (effects) on (on) the (the) ecological (ecological)." French "And economical stability of the world as" German "Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, United Arab Emirates" Spanish "Oman, Yemen, Somalia" Afrikaans "Ethiopia, Eritrea & Sudan were" Portuguese "At the forefront of what is  as" Chinese "The world is calling it."

    Hindu "The greatest nuclear catastrophe since the Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor Disaster of 1986 and the more recent Fukashima Disaster five years ago" Polish "As nuclear weapons used by Saudia Arabia, Iran, and Iraq were unleashed late in the war devastating the countries afflicted while the countries in Africa were the least affected by this catastrophe." English "Every country between east of the Jordan River, Pakistan, and south of Georgia are heavily devastated by this, it is unclear onto how this happened it is presumed that they were" Arabic "Launched by one of the warring countries but who started it is unclear but it doesn't change the fact that" Russian "Thousands of homes lie in ruins and we are getting the death toll that is currently estimated." French "To be in the range of 1 to 5 million dead with a worrying amount of 3 to 6 million injured and dying" Chinese "There are no words to describe what happened other then" English "The worst thing to happen in the history of war for the last 100 years the U.N. has been devastated by what has happend and a emergency council has been called to discuss the next course of action by all Nations of the world."


    The television within a American household was switched over to the news channel "In a breaking turn of events as President Basara, Prime Minister Mikhail Fedorov, and many representatives of the European Union have signed the Reykjavik Accords ordering all countries with nuclear arsenals to dismantle all weapons capable of launching them, meanwhile the development of the Space-Land-Air-Missile-Shield is complete and will be fully operational by the end of the second quarter as we take a moment back to reflect on what happened that day one year later." 


    Meanwhile in Russia due to the economic benefit of having become one of the biggest suppliers of natural gas has begun an arms buildup and has led to the creation of the Spetsnaz Guard Brigade with upgraded equipment and development of new vehicles and armaments. Over in the European Union one person suggested a policy dubbed the Articles of Federation which if passed would turn the European Union from a Organisation into a Nation.


    Four years has passed since the Middle East was devastated by war anything east of the River Jordan was gone Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Israel were all that remained of the ruined Middle East and the world's largest supply of Petroleum. The U.S., and The EU were forming a solution to the problem for when the oil eventually stops coming as research into alternative fuel methods were being pursued and research into safe nuclear energy was at the forefront of their worries. Russia to the east was holding strong due to being the supplier of oil to the continent of Asia and half of Europe, The Articles of Federation were still debated to this day.

    All seems normal well as normal as things can be after what has happened but who is to say there isn't more then to what is going on?

This story is a fanfiction and not a part of the Tom Clancy Franchise, the personal and political views of the author will not be expressed due to the belief of story before a message. This is a work of fiction and any references to real life people, events, and places are for story purposes only and not personal reasons. If the author express personal and political beliefs in the story feel free to let me know because I hate doing that.

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