Operation Warden

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    The first chapter of this story let's start. 

"Move" Talk-English

"Move" Talk-Foreign

Move  Think- All language

"Move" Radio-All language

"Move" Talk-English-masked

"Move" Talk-Foreign-masked

(Location-Middle East, Exclusion Zone-Iran)

(Date: April 22nd, 2020)

(Time: 00:21 (12:21 AM))

    It was night within the Iranian Exclusion Zone as a team of Ghosts were dispatched to investigate a former Iranian Blacksite due to intel retrieved by Third Echelon regarding Iran's former research into biochemical warfare. "Predator this is Overlord come in over" the team leader's radio went off "Overlord this is Predator Lead, we are at the blacksite coordinates and ready to commence the operation over" all of them were wearing protective gear due to the land still being heavily contaminated by the nuclear radiation. "*pzzt* Roger Predator you are clear to proceed investigate the site and ensure that the intel is accurate over *pzzt*" "And what if the intel was accurate over" "*pzzt* Destroy it leave nothing behind out *pzzt*."

    Turning to his squad members he motioned them to follow, they moved through the rough terrain that the former nation was known for, including the high mountains "Hey boss what do you think would've happened to Iran if this turns out to be true?" Leave it to Uziel to ask a what if question one that he had no idea of the consequences he just knew that if what happened so long ago didn't the world would be very different then it is now, there was 20,000 U.S. soldiers in Iraq, and when President Basara was elected in 2016, he sent them home refusing to send more to die for a war that would have been more costly on lives, and now look at it, millions dead and even more dying there was no turning back, but when he thought about it there could have been more. "I don't know Uziel but stay focused we have a mission to complete, there's the compound," as the leader said there it was, a small unsuspecting compound as his Cross-Com zoomed in on the site. 

    It was clear that the site was abandoned shortly before the nukes were launched he did not know how shortly, right now all he could hear from his spot was his breathing, the footsteps of him and his squad, and his built-in Geiger counter clicking based on the radiation of the environment, he could tell that it sure as hell wasn't safe enough for even a single part of his body to be exposed to the air. "Well sir here we are" another member of his squad Devil had commented, they observed it from their position on one of the nearby mountains "Yeah better contact Overlord" *pzzt* "Overlord this is Predator Lead we have eyes on the compound" *pzzt* "This is Overlord we are receiving footage from your cross-com link this place has seen better days move into the compound but be careful we don't know if you are truly alone" *pzzt* "Affirmative Overlord, Predator Lead out" he grabbed his rappelling gear from his utility belt as he and the rest of his squad begun rappelling down the mountain close to the compound.

    After hitting the base of the mountain they got even closer to the compound and their Geiger counters got louder indicating that the site was close to a nuclear event, no doubt a missile was fired at or near the location of the site it must have been damn near close, considering the fact that facility was still here if it was close enough there would be nothing left. He did not like either result "Damn, I feel sorry for those poor bastards" count on Devil to be sentimental, and he could see why they were at the entrance to the facility and on the chair within a post was a corpse, and from the look of things he was killed by the blast, "There's nothing we can do for them now Devil so let's go." That would be Kilo their heavy he was more professional than anyone so he didn't really let personal feelings get in the way of their operation, Devil opened the gate and they officially entered the compound, searching for the rumored biological weaponry.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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