Why Mary? Why?

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This was in the olden days so their talking is different. They live in England in London.

Bobby was cooking dinner. Mary seemed a bit distance with him.

What is she hiding he thought.

DING DING the bell went.

Bobby went to go get the door.

At the door was a man that looks around 19.

"Hello, young sir. How may I help you lad?" Bobby asked the boy.

"Hello sir. Sorry to disturb you but I'm here with a message for Ma'am Mary Burner. My mistress wanted to give this to the Ma'am" The boy told Bobby.

"She will be upstairs. Why don't you come in lad"

Bobby let the boy in as he went back to the kitchen to prepare for dinner.

It's been 10 minutes and the boy hasn't come back. Bobby felt a chill go down his back.

But why?

"Mary darling. Are you there?" Bobby called out for Mary.

She came out of her room and walked down the stair for dinner, for she can smell it.

"Yes, I'm here. Dinner ready?" Mary was flawless.

She was rich and was well known around town.

"Where is the boy? He hasn't come down from your room to leave" Bobby asked Mary confused.

"Oh, what boy?" Mary asked and tried to look confused. Little did Bobby know that Mary has a secret.

One that could make Bobby leave Mary. Now, she wouldn't want that happening.

"The boy that was about 19 and has been sent from his mistress to send you a letter" Bobby explained to Mary.

"Oh, that young lad. He went out through the window. Funny little lad, isn't he?" Mary said hoping Bobby wouldn't question her further.

"Oh, okay"

This went for days. When ever Mary had a visitor, they would never come out of Mary's room.

They be reported on the news being disappeared.

Bobby was suspicious. He decided to want to know what is happening with every visitor.

Bobby dressed his self up in disguise.

He went up to Mary's room at knocked on the door.

"Who may it be?" Mary called out.

"It is I, the messenger of ma'am Anne Blacksmith" Bobby said in a posh British accent.

"Ah, come in" Mary said whilst opening the door.

Bobby held his head down low whilst he walked in. He looked up and could realise that Mary was holding something behind her back.

"Not to be rude ma'am. But what is, that's behind your back?" Bobby asked curiously.

"Oh, just to........sculp" (don't know how to spell it. It's when you cut someone's neck alive and then put your fingers into the cut and pull in up so your skinning their face.)

Bobby was horrified as Mary held the knife up.

He quickly took his disguise off. "How could you! Your we're killing all these people all a long? I'm disgusted. I don't love you anymore"

Mary looked outraged. "UGH! BURN IN HELL WITH THOSE WHO SUFFUR THE FIRE AND CONSEQUENCES!" Mary yelled at Bobby.

She stabbed him and skinned his whole body and putted the good parts on her self.

She really had ugly skin but used others skin. She threw the corpse in her death shed.

She was sad but mostly angry. Her true love didn't want her anymore.

She went into the mirror and killed EVERYONE else who had a mirror too.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2012 ⏰

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