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Richie Tozier was one of those people who didn't pay attention at all. He would tap tap tap tap his foot on the ground, not really caring that it was distracting the people around him. He would hit his pencil on the desk, not even noticing the glares people sent him. He never paid attention to the teacher, in fact he never paid attention to anyone. He was in his own world, staring out the window of every classroom, his legs taking him to class after class, his hands writing things down, and his eyes watching things that happened. His brain didn't do much except tell him not to do stupid crap to get him in trouble. But then again, his ears didn't listen and his body did stupid shit anyways. He never really lived, only moved forward to get through the day. School was hell to him, especially with his ADHD he could barely stay in one spot. Sitting at a desk was like sitting in a prison. It kept him trapped, locked down until the bell rang. He couldn't even run in the hall due to teachers yelling at him. He had a ball full of energy, a whole lot of words, but he could never talk and he could never get tired. It was school, he just had to get through it and then he'd be with his friends. But then again, he never paid attention. When he did, he'd always make a snotty joke. Everyone would laugh and that make him happy. Because of his lack of attention, and his shitty jokes, he got the name Trashmouth. Especially since he was full of trash. He always got himself into trouble, never stopped talking, and was always hyper. But this was outside of school. Inside school, if he spoke a word he'd get glares. Richie was one of those people who everyone knew. He called Henry Bowers banana heels before and almost got his head ripped off. But the only bad things about everyone knew you, was that the adults did too. The teachers knew about Richie's foul mouth, they knew about his none stop fidgeting. Which means they knew how to torture him. To keep him quiet, to keep him in the back of the class, to not make him move at all. And to richie, that was worse than dying. So instead of being the rebellious person he was, he was someone who never paid attention. Never spoke a word. And tried not to move but failed immensely. He was someone everyone knew, and Eddie Kadpbrak especially did. Eddie kaspbrak was a very small chaotic person. He was as rebellious as Richie, but no one paid him any attention at all. But that was okay with him, it gave him more time to stare at the curly hair fidgety boy. Everyone knew Richie, but not everyone met him. The first time Eddie met him was in the hallway. Richie had accidentally slammed into the smaller boy. Eddie fell over and almost died because of the germs that were on the floor. Richie thought he was a 7th grader but then saw the 10th grade English binder. He was honestly a bit surprised that someone so little could be in his own grade. Richie helped him up and Eddie looked at him gratefully. The boys moved on without another thought. Until their paths crossed again. Richie was sitting in English class. He accidentally cut his finger on a piece of paper and he winced in pain. Eddie, being the good citizen he is, went over to the boy without a second thought. He pulled out a band aid and gently grabbed the boys hand in his own. He placed the band aid over his finger. Eddie just didn't want the boy to bleed to death, or get blood all over the place. Plus he just wanted to look at him again. Richie looked at the boy in surprise. He knew his name was Eddie Kaspbrak, and he knew that he never spoke. It was a bold move to bandage the cut on his finger. Richie was grateful nonetheless, but still he couldn't help but take in the boys firgure. He thought he was gorgeous in a way. Eddie thought the same about Richie, except he knew he was gorgeous. His black curls and dark eyes were everything to him. Richie didn't say anything but he didn't protest when Eddie patted his hand. He moved back over to his seat and kept his eyes to the front. Eddie didn't dare look at Richie who he knew was looking at him, probably in disgust. But it was the opposite of that. Richie was staring at the boy in awe. No one had ever really done that, normally his friends would tell him to suck it up or no one would even give a care. But the loving touch of Eddie Kaspbrak was enough for him to pay attention to at least one thing.


Imma be surprised if anyone actually reads this also Hi Ava

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