Part 1

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The road seemed to go on forever, never stopping. Just one long road of nothing but memories being lost. My dad had passed away about three years ago and my mom remarried about a month ago. Now she is with this asshole named James. We were moving away from Chicago all the way to a small town called Lumberton in the south end of Texas. I liked the city, I had a lot of friends and good memories there. Now all I have left is my dad's old leather jacket, my clothes, and my phone with all my music on it. Its a mixture of heavy metal and old country. My dad was a country boy but we lived in the city because he worked for a big oil industry and we had to live there. Now we are moving to this small town and I don't know how I could handle it. I'm just staring out the window counting down the miles till we get there.

15 Miles

14 Miles

13 Miles

It seems to be going so fast yet so slow. I might just sleep until we get there.

I woke up abruptly as my step dad shook the lights out of me.

"Wake your lazy ass up and help me unload this damn trailer." He shouted

We had arrived at the house, it was a small one story house that looked like it could use a lot of work. Seemed like we lived out in the middle of nowhere but there were other houses in view so I didn't lose hope that it would take me an hour to get to school. We didn't have much to unload because we had a small trailer. We went inside and James showed me to my new room, only problem was that it was in the basement. It was dark and cold down there, I flipped on the light switch and shockingly it actually turned on. There was already a bed down here, an old cot that needed to be cleaned off because the last owners left boxes of stuff down there. I'll rummage through all of it later, first I need to clean this place up. I went upstairs and grabbed the broom, mop, and wet wipes to clean everything off. I started by sweeping up the floor, there was about an inch of dirt on it so I'm glad I could get it cleaned. I then wiped down the walls just to be safe then mopped the floor. As soon as I finished James yelled for me to help him get my dresser and nightstand down stairs. I ran upstairs to help him bring things down and get everything unloaded.

It was about 10:00 pm when we finished with everything and I just wanted to go to bed. I went downstairs and realized I hadn't cleared off the cot just yet. I groaned in annoyance and proceeded to move all the boxes off the bed. They seemed to be mostly empty but some were a little bit heavy, I'm not complaining because I'm a well built guy from when I played football. As I was clearing off the bed something at the top of one of the boxes caught my eye, it was a wooden lockbox with a weird pattern on it. It seemed like someone had carved into it and just made a bunch of swirls on it. I set the box down and grabbed the lockbox, I went to open it but it wouldn't budge. I don't know anything about it so I'll leave it alone until I can figure out a way to open it. I'm going to go to bed now, I start school tomorrow.

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