Part 6

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All I could think about was the nightmare I've been having. My mind was wandering the whole way to school. I don't understand it, why is this happening? Why now? I didn't have the answers for any of it. This was weird, I've never had this much trouble figuring something out. I feel like I'm running out of time.

I walked pass the gas station like I always do on my way to school. Something was up though. Police cars were surrounding the place. Paramedics and firefighters were pulling stretchers with bodies on them. I used my powers to listen in on what was going on.

"Someone came in last night and shot the cashier, possible robbery?" One of the officers asked.

"Couldn't have been, money was still in the register, and the cameras were tampered with so we don't have a positive ID on the suspect. Most likely it was a revenge homicide."

That one must be the detective. It's obvious being the fact that he is the only one that isn't in uniform. He is wearing the usual get up that you normally see in crime shows and movies.

I got enough intel on the murder, tonight I'm going to do an investigation of my own to see if I can find anything on who could have murdered the cashier. Why would anyone wanna kill someone who didn't even look like he would hurt a fly? Is it so wrong for someone to wanna live a nice life that they should get their own life taken from them in an instant? I shouldn't let my mind get to caught up on this. I need to stay focused and find out who did this and bring them to justice.

I walked to school and waited for Claire. It was weird, she is normally here before me. I only ever beat her the first couple days of school but after that she beat me. Where is she? I looked around the room to see if maybe she was sitting somewhere else, I saw Austin laughing with his buddies. He is still mad that I beat him. I decided to listen in on the conversation he was having.

"Claire was such a bitch man, I'm glad she's not here. Didn't you hear? Claire and her parents were in a huge car accident last night. She is in the hospital now, I doubt she'll make it. I hope she doesn't."

I jumped up and walked to Austin. When I got to him I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and slammed him on the table.

"Where the hell is Claire! " I yelled.

"She's in the hospital man, didn't you hear about the crash last night?" he said as he trembled in fear.

"Oh yea I heard all right, I heard you saying you hope it she dies in that hospital. You better have a good reason behind saying that or else I will pommel you flat into the ground you son of a bitch."

He was so scared he pissed himself.

"What hospital is she in? Tell me now you son of a bitch!" I was furious to the point that I might go demon in front of everyone and make him show me where she was at.

"She's at the Altus in Beaumont, I swear man. Please don't hurt me." He wailed.

I threw him down and rushed outside. I dropped my bag and took to the sky faster than I ever had before. I was flying to the hospital with great haste. I had to get there before it was too late. I could heal her and her parents. Please let me get there in time. Please. The hospital was so close yet so far away. I could feel her life slipping away. Almost there. Just a little further.

I made it! I landed and burst into the hospital.

"What room is Claire in, she was in a car accident with her parents last night. What room is she in?" I asked the lady at the front desk.

"Down the hall and to the right." she told me.

I ran as fast as I could. I opened the door and saw her. She was covered in small cuts on her face. She was unconscious. I kneeled down beside her and grabbed her hand. I didn't even have to think that hard before the mist flowed out of me and into her, healing her cuts. She looked just as she did yesterday. No cuts were on her and she started to gain color in her face again. Her heart rate began to raise a little bit as she opened her eyes and looked at me.

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