Part 8

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I had the same nightmare as before, but something felt different about it. This time instead of Ethan being the one holding the gun, it was Austin. Ethan was still there though holding a gun too, but he wasn't pointing it at me this time. He was shooting it at a cop that came to stop them. Then the rest of the nightmare went as it normally did. I woke up and checked my phone. 2:00 am. I decided to ask Brutus about it.
He appeared like he always does above the journal.
"What is it?"
"I keep having this nightmare but as the days pass by it keeps changing slightly and I don't know what it is."
"You're having what is know as a premonition. You are basically seeing the future in your dreams."
"Seeing the future? How do I know when this is going to happen."
"Sadly you want know until it's too late or moments before hand. It's all a matter of how well you can sense danger when it's coming."
I thought about that, so I was right. It was a premonition. Then I got scared, Claire gets shot in it and I don't want that to happen.

I couldn't go back to sleep. I got dressed and went out flying. I flew over the gas station and thought about the poor kid who was killed there a few days ago. Then something caught my eye. I could see the aura of evil essence coming from inside it. I sensed two people down there. I flew down to check it out. The evil essence disappeared before I landed and I could no longer detect two people, only one person and there life seemed to be fading. I landed next to the person in demon form to see who it was. I couldn't believe it, Travis was leaning against the wall clutching his stomach. He looked up at me and was fear rushed through him.
"P..please help." He muttered at me.
I kneeled next to him and put my hand around the handle of the knife.
"Hold your breath, this is going to hurt."
I pulled the blade out of his stomach. He was wailing in agony as the blade slid out. I used the mist to heal his wound.
"Who did this to you Travis?"
"I don't know man it all happened so fast."
"I'll look around, you get somewhere safe."
I flew up into the air, looking around to see if I can find any trace of that evil essence. But there was nothing. No trace of it anywhere. Damnit. I can't believe I've lost it. Travis has already taken off and I didn't have any leads in who it must have been. I flew around the town for hours and still found nothing. I decided to just go home and try to sleep.

Mom came in and woke me up this morning. She told me someone was at the door for me. I got up, threw a shirt and sweat pants on and went upstairs. It was Travis, he wanted to talk to me alone. I stepped outside and he asked me something that startled me.
"You're that demon guy aren't you?"
How did find out? I put my hand over his mouth and walked us further away.
"How the hell do you know that?" I asked him.
"Dude I see you outside flying around all the time, you are really easy to spot because of that leather jacket you are always wearing."
"Dude why did you come here, the person who stabbed you earlier could have followed you here!"
"Sorry man I'll leave, I just wanted to thank you for what you did to help my mom. She's making a full recovery!"
"That's great man but still you need to go. "
"I know. Sorry to bother you man."
"Sorry about slashing at your face."
"It's all good, I shouldn't have shot at you."
I kinda laughed at that, he walked away and I went back inside to get ready for school.

My mind was wandering off the whole walk to school. If Travis had seen me flying around, who else could have? What if someone from school saw me and word got out about what I was. I'm going to have to go demon when I fly out at night so nobody figures out who I am. I need to be more careful.

I got to school, walked in, and sat down. I didn't have to deal with Austin anymore because he was suspended. Claire was there before I was like usual now. We sat down and talked for awhile until the bell rang. 2 days until the dance.

Shop class came and I was working on a toy chest. Then Ethan came walked in. He didn't say anything to anyone. He just walked over to me.
"How many times am I going to have to tell you to get out of my seat? I swear if I have to again I'll kill you."
He has this evil look in his eyes and his evil essence was off the charts. I got up and moved again without saying anything, but he grabbed me by the shoulder.
"Is there anything you wanna say? Maybe about that mysterious creature, or demon? It's so weird how it only showed up when you got here. I feel like you're hiding something."

Shit, he knows. I'll just play dumb, nobody will take him seriously.

"I don't know what you're talking about, it's just some stupid urban legend going around. You can't believe anything you read these days." I told him.
"Maybe so."
He pulled me in closer to him.
"I know what you are." He whispered.
It sent shivers down my spine. I just pushed him off me and went back to work on the toy chest. The bell rang a few minutes later and I rushed out the door. Shit, he knows. That's all I could think about.

Later that day when I got to History class I told Claire about how Ethan knows. I could sense the fear building up in her. She was just as scared as I was. Class went on but I didn't pay attention. Was he the one who killed the cashier? Did he stab Travis? It all seemed to be coming together now. He must have killed the cashier when he got out because of what happened that night. He must have stabbed Travis because he wasn't apart of his group any more.
Shit, he knows.

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