Oh, Great.

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  "Benny- what the hell?" He responded, looking from the drawer to me in shock.

  "What do you mean? Why would you say that to me? You're the one going through my damn drawers for no goddamn reason! What are you, some pervert? Or are you just a stalker? Maybe, you're just really odd, I don't know! But seriously, what the hell?" I quickly yelled out, trying unsuccessfully to defend myself.

  "Benny-" Blake sighed. We looked at each other for a few minutes, until I felt hot tears fall from my eyes. I looked down quickly, not wanting to meet his gaze. "Oh...Benny.." He sighed again before coming and wrapping his arms around me. Burying my face in his chest, I continued to ramble on.

  "Why would you look through my drawers? That doesn't make any sense..I mean, it's really really an invasion of privacy." He put his hands on my shoulders and backed away, just enough so that I could see his face; he seemed as though he were guilty.

  "I knew you hurt yourself... I just- I just wanted to make sure." He replied guiltily. I was shocked, hurt, and completely confused.

  "Were you- Did you lie to me?" I said before backing away from his grasp. "Great! Just great. Just when I think I'd have the guy of my dreams, nope! Not gonna happen." I complained, frustrated.

  "Benny.. I didn't mean-. Oh...Benny.. I didn't mean anything bad. I do like you. I really do... Like, a whole lot more than I think I should." He laughed. "It's just- My grandfather was a cop.. He taught me how to read expressions of people.. And when I see you- you seem..restless. Like you're unhappy about a lot. I really like you, Benny. I just, I didn't think you'd open up at all, so I figured I'd have to figure out on my own." He explained, tears in his eyes.

  We stared into each other's eyes for a small moment, until he looked down. "You-you hate me. I know...I know." He began to mutter, putting his face in his hands. I walked, slowly, until I was directly in front of him. The look he gave me, when he looked up, is one I will never forget. A look of pure regret.

  "No." I said, giving a small smile. "Blake Gordon. You are one person I could never hate." I leaned up and kissed him, putting my arms around his neck.

  "Hey Be-" Blake and I jumped away from each other, looking to see Erica in my doorway, with a, may I note, very pouty look on her face. "Oh, great." She said. "Every guy I like is gay! Thanks for stealing him, Benny!" She exclaimed before turning and shutting the door behind her. I chuckled before I felt arms snake around my waist. How long we stood there, I don't know. But it felt good. It felt right. 'Benny, you are so in love.' I thought. "Oh, great."

Hey guys! I am so so so so sooooooo × infinity sorry for not updating since 2000 freaking 13!!! I've been so busy with school, and my mom...let's say we have a rocky relationship. Also, I'm on my high school's drill team now, so that's been a lot.. But, I promise I'll update more regularly now! If I don't, you can slap me in the face with a chicken cutlet. *Glee reference, sorry not sorry* Anyways, thank you to those of you who actually read this.. I love you. :) Btw, one more thing. sorry this update was so short.. :/ I have to update my other srories too. Bht don't worry, I'll try to make the next update a bit longer. :D

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2014 ⏰

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