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............Rory's P.O.V.

'Walk in the club like whatup I gotta big c**k! I'm so pumped up bout some shi* from the thrift shop!'

My Ipod began to play as I plugged in my earbuds and walked out the door. It's the first day of my junior year. Same as Ethan and Benny. Erica and Sarah are seniors. I would stop by Erica's house right now as usual, but that's not such a good idea. I look completely different.

I'm wearing a caribbean blue tee with white lettering DC. I'm wearig a purple DC hat with white lettering. I'm wearing green and white DC sneakers and a black leather jacket wih a pocket on the top right. I'm also wearing bright blue jeans. They're sagged a little, but not enough to see my boxers.

I know what you're thinking, 'Why does he dress so differently?' Well I'll tell you. My parents and I went to California for the Summer and I met these totally cool guys. I got added to their group of friends. And now, I look like this. Oh yeah, I also have brown highlights in my hair.

I smiled when I walked up to the school noticing Ethan, Erica, Sarah, and Benny at our usual spot outside. I waved to them. They were still... completely. Benny's mouth even dropped. That's when I noticed what they looked like. 'Oh, no' I thought 'Not good.'

...........Benny's P.O.V.

"Hey Ethan!" I yelled as his front door opened. I frowned when it wasn't him. "Oh! Sorry Mrs. Morgan. Um, Ethan's here right?"

"Benny!" she squealed as she came forward and hugged me. She was squishing me like a bug. Apparently I made a face to match it. "Oh! Sorry, Benny. Yes Ethan is here he'll be down in a minute and where have you been? You've been gone all Summer!"

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was forced to go stay with my parents in Britain this Summer."

"Oh... and how'd that go?" She frowned. Then gave me a sympathetic look. Then I sighed shrugging. "Oh, honey." She replied putting a hand on my shoulder. "It's okay babe, I think maybe they just were in a bad time."

"No. They weren't. They did exactly what they used to before they lost custody of me." I closed my eyes, hoping we could talk about something else. That's when I couldn't have been happier to see Ethan.

"Hey Benny!" he exclaimed hugging me. I hugged back. When we pulled away he looked at me. His eyes went wide. "Okay, Benny. This," he started as he pointed up and down at my clothes. "This needs some explaining as we walk. Bye Mom, bye Dad. Bye Jane!" He exclaimed the last part as we walked out the door.

"Dude" he said as we began walking. "What is... Five Finger... Death Punch?!" I laughed.

"Relax, E! it's just a band." I chuckled pointing at my shirt. It was a black shirt with a fist pointing towards the front with the name printed on the knuckles. I was also wearing grey-ish skinny jeans with the same colored beanie and black converse. I had gauges too. They were dark purple.

"My style is different, so what? You can't tell me yours isn't." I pointed at him noting his Jake the dog, from Adventure Time if you somehow don't know that, shirt. He also had black and white suspenders, a Regular Show snapback, a spongebob belt, and jeans.

"Well at least I don't have a blue streak in my hair!"

"So?" I asked, shrugging. He didn't answer he just shrugged himself. "Wow. Thanks for answering." I joked as I rolled my eyes. I bumped into Ethan as he stopped dead in his tracks. "What the hell Ethan-!" My eyes widened when I saw it too. I saw Sarah and Erica at our usual spot talking. Only they were different.

Sarah was a broadway FREAK! She seriously had the whole toddler/librarian thing going on. Her hair was insanely curly too! I wasn't as shocked when I saw Erica though, she wasn't that different. She was just wearing Abercrombie stuff. Then it hit me. "Ethan," I said shakily. "We're all completely different. We won't be able to hang out."

"Benny yes we wi-"

"No we won't! We're doomed! We're all gonna be in completely different cliques! Remember the principal's daughter and son? Chelsea and Blake? They'll never stand for it!"

"Dammit." he sighed before we walked to our spot.

"Hey Benny, Hi Ethan." they greeted as we sat on the bench across from theirs. "Oh no..." Sarah sighed. "At least Erica and Rory will be in the same clique." Ethan and I looked behind us. My mouth dropped when I noticed she was right. "This cannot be happening..."

As soon as Rory got to us the bell rang warning us class was going to start in 3 minutes. We all parted ways to our lockers. As I walked I was digging through my bag and bumped into Blake Gordon. The same blake who is the rich, spoiled, very hot, son of Principal Gordon. Yes, I am gay, actually bi. Oh no you caught me! (-note the sarcasm)

"Uhm, I uh..." I stuttered while putting away my books. Then I realized something... "Where'd it go?" I asked myself worriedly as I looked for my spellbook. I almost forgot Blake was there. "Dammit." I cursed under my breath as the bell rang. I was gonna be soooo late.

"Here, I think you dropped something?" I scrambled to my feet and when I tried to take it he pulled it away from me. "Ah-ah-ahh." He shook his finger as saying no. He flipped it open. "A spellbook. You're one too, huh?"

"I'm, I'm sorry?"

"A spellmaster. You're a spellmaster too?" 'Too?'

"Uhmmm, too?"

"Yeah, I'm a spellmaster. I'm Blake." he smiled holding his hand out. I wanted to take it, just to know what it felt like. But I didn't.

"Um, you're the most popular guy in school. You seriously think I wouldn't know that?" He gave me an 'Oh, yeah..' type of look which made me chuckle. "Uh, I would say my name but I mean.. you talking to me? Probably not smart with-"

"With having a demon for a sister? Yeah I know. She's a bitch. I know your name Benny." He knew my name?! My heart began to race at the thought.

"Ho-how do you know tha-" I got cut off when he put a finger to my lips, silencing me. I widened my eyes, I was shocked.

He whispered, "Shh, I love you Benny." My heat almost jumped out of my chest.

"Wh- what? But I'm like, the most hated kid at this school-" I got cut off again. But this time by a pair of warm, wet, lips crashing into mine. He was kissing me?! He pulled away since I hadn't kissed back yet.

"Sorry." He said as he began to walk away. I grabbed his arm and turned him around. I grabbed him by the shirt and crashed our lips together. This time, we both kissed each other. It was amazing. He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Once we broke the kiss I rested my forhead on his. I smiled as we looked each other in the eyes. "Don't be." I smirked when I noticed he had a boner. He blushed. GOD HE WAS CUTE. We were about to kiss again until the bell rang. We quickly pulled apart. I jumped as he grabbed my ass. 'Seriously?' was the look I gave him and he just shrugged it off and laughed. People started to roam through the halls.

"Sit with us at lunch, okay cutie?" he stated more than asked before he just kissed my cheek and walked away. My heart skipped a beat.

"Ethannn! Ethan! Ethan! Ethan! Ethan! Ethan!" I screamed as I ran to his locker.

"Ummm, what?" Ethan asked hesitantly when I got there.

I whispered, "You know how I've liked Blake Gordon since like, third grade?" I asked while grinning.

"Uh, duh! Yeah. Wait, why?" I looked around us before answering.

"He just.... KISSED ME!" I squealed.

"What?!" He exclaimed with a suprised look.

"Yeah, I know right? He kissed me! TWICE! AND on the cheek! And he invited me to sit at his table this afternoon!" I frowned when I noticed he looked upset. "E? You okay, bud?" He was crying now. He just shook his head yes and slammed his locker before running to the restroom. Little did I know he had a huge secret.


SO! What do you think's going on with Ethan? How will Benny react to it? What about Sarah? Erica? Rory? And how will it be with the gang split up? Read the next chapter to find out!!! ♥♡♥

P.S. It's all going to be Benny's P.O.V. unless I tell you. So if I don't say anything... it's Benny. Kayz? Byebyerz!!

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