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What if it was a suicide thing?
- Jason Dean, 1988

"I have the girls." She told him. JD almost broke into tears at this.

"Are they okay? Where were they?" He asked.

"Chloe's upset about something and Emily's drunk. They were with Jesse." Veronica answered, hearing her husband sigh. "JD?" She asked after a silence.


"What are we going to do when we go under oath? We can't say anything about high school." Veronica whispered.

"We won't say anything about that. It's irrelevant entirely." JD told her in a quiet voice.

"Alright." Veronica said. "I love you JD."

"I love you too, Veronica." He told her.

The weeks leading up to the case went by, everyone was preparing to take the stand and be on JD's side. They all knew this wasn't something caused by him. This was a setup.

Veronica took the stand first, wearing a blue blazer and a black skirt. She felt like a Heather again as she sat down.

"State your name for the record." The judge told her.

"Veronica Dean." She did as told. She was put under oath and the trial began.

"Mrs. Dean, how long have you known your husband?" The lawyer against JD asked. His name was Mr. Dimitri.

"Twenty four years this September." She replied.

"How did you meet?" Mr. Dimitri asked her.

"We met in high school during our senior year." Veronica answered.

"How would you describe your husband? Have you ever known him to do anything illegal?" Mr. Dimitri questioned.

"He's an amazing husband and father. He's never done anything illegal." Veronica answered, knowing damn well she was lying. Her husband was a killer. But they had no proof of the fact she was lying.

"Mrs. Dean, you look unsure of your answer. I will remind you that you're under oath." Mr. Dimitri said.

"I'm not unsure. I have social anxiety and I'm quite nervous to be in front of people." Veronica answered. The last time she was front and center, people died. It caused a lot of trauma for her.

"Why was your Xanax in your husband's car?" Mr. Dimitri asked.

"It was there because JD knows it's an addictive medicine. He leaves enough for me at home in the case of an emergency. But he takes the rest with him so I don't overdose." Veronica explained.

"Why is there a concern of you overdosing?" Mr. Dimitri asked.

"I tried to kill myself in 1989." Veronica replied.

"Why did you try to end your life?" The lawyer asked. Veronica tried not to laugh. Oh, just the overwhelming guilt of committing murder.

"What does that have to do with this?" JD's defending lawyer, David, asked.

"Keep this about the case at hand, Mr. Dimitri." The judge warned the opposing lawyer.

"Yes, your honor." Mr. Dimitri nodded. "No further questions." He sat down.

David stood up to ask Veronica questions. "Mrs. Dean, what did this supposed drug bust do to your family?" David asked.

"My daughters ran away from home and it caused me a great deal of anxiety because I was also falsely accused." Veronica answered.

"Has your husband ever done drugs?" David asked.

"Nothing other than marijuana." Veronica answered.

"Does he have any enemies who you believe could have set him up?" David asked.

"His father, perhaps." Veronica told him.

"No further questions." David said, sitting back down.

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