Chapter 12: A new promise

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Cabin in the mountains

Izuku was peacefully sleeping in the white bed sheets. He was slowly opening up his eyes. Next to him was Jean wearing a white T-shirt and jean shorts for sleeping. Izukus eyes went wide eyed surprised to see her.

Izuku: J-Jean!

Jean: Hey cutie. About time you woke up.

Izuku: W-What?

Izuku was looking around him and now seeing he was back in the cabin him and Jean fled to after escaping the weapon X program.

Izukus head: I'm back at the cabin. But how?

He then tried to remember everything that happened previously. The U.S.J., hanging out with Mina, and then the sports festival. Until it all snapped back and remembers fully about what happened at the sports festival. Jean......died in his arms.

Izuku: Jean how are you alive?

Jean: What do you mean?

Izuku: This doesn't make any sense.

Izuku just ran his hand through his hair pulling it a little. Jean then put a hand on his shoulder. It felt warm and comforting but.... foreign like if you were to shake a stranger hand and it felt different then when shaking hands with a friend.

Jean: Hey are you alright? You look like ya seen a ghost.

Izuku didn't know what was happening. He didn't care though. His head was convincing himself that everything else.... the U.S.J. everything that happened at the sports festival was the dream and this was real.

Izuku: Uh y-yeah, I'm fine. Sorry. Don't worry about me I just need some fresh air.

Jean then quickly gave a kiss on his head and started to get up.

Jean: Alrighty then. Let's get up and at em.

As she got up and left Izuku got up and was enjoying the view outside while still siting on the side of the bed. Just as his mind was at peace all was shattered with 8 words.


He immediately got up hearing those words. Because they were the last words, she said to him before Victor took her.


He then jumped over the bed and to the kitchen, but Jean was nowhere to be found.


He then heard the same scream from before. The one right before she was killed the first time.


He quickly ran out the door of the cabin running as fast as he could.

Izukus head: I can stop it. I CAN STOP IT THIS TIME. None of it has to happen. JEAN DOESN'T HAVE TO DIE!

He then made it to the same field he found Jean dead the first time. Except this time, he was earlier. This time he could stop it. Victor was holding Jean by the throat with both of them having their claws out. He had his back towards Izuku. Izuku then sprinted at him. He then popped his claws out and screamed when he lunged at Victor.


Victor threw Jean and turned around with Izuku plunging his claws into his guts knocking him to the ground pinning him down.

Izuku: I....... I did it...... I did it. JEAN, I DID IT I SAVED YOU THIS ti-

He was about to look behind him expecting to see Jean safe and okay. But she wasn't even there. She was just.......... gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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