Chapter 13

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It was late at night and ash was sitting on his bed as he couldn't fall asleep.
He could hear Jade's soft snores coming from the other room.
He suddenly stood and looked at his asleep pikachu and decided to leave him alone.
He walked out of his room and out of the hotel.
He was walking around for awhile enjoying the cool night breeze.
He took his bag off his back and dug out a pokeballs.
He released the Pokemon inside revealing a blue jackle like pokemon.
"Yes, master." Lucario asked in ashes head.
"Nothing, can't a guy just call upon his Pokemon to talk and ask how he's doing?" Ash asked in mock hurt.
"It's fine master I was just worried
that something was wrong." Lucario explained
"Walk with me Lucario." Ask said walking away.
Lucario followed. "Master what are we going to do about the imposters in the tournament?" Lucario asked conserned.
"There's nothing we can do but wait and let them get eliminated."
They were walking in silence untill they suddenly heard voices coming from the forest up ahead.
Ash started walking toward the forest and signalled for Lucario to follow.
They walked until they found a clearing in which to team Revenge grunts were talking and laughing.
Ash could see Lucario charging up a blue ball of aura but Ash signalled for him to stop and listen.
"We should head back to base there aren't many powerful pokemon around here." Said one of them the other nodded.
They started walking into the woods. Ash and Lucario silently followed.
They walked until they got to a dark part of the forest that didn't look like it was occupied very often.
One of the grunts placed they're hand on a large Boulder and an entrance opened in the ground.
The grunts walked towards it and walked down the now formed stairs.
When they were out of sight the entrance closed.
"Are we following them master?" Asked Lucario
"Of course but I think we can only bring five other pokemon with us and they have to be small, I have an idea." Ash said.
They waited a minute before Ash called out five pokemon.
"Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, both evees. We found a team Revenge base and i was wondering if you would help take it down?" The pokemon all roared In agreement it was about 5 in the morning so the sun was bound to rise soon.
"Alright let's go." Ash said placing his hand on the exact spot the grunt placed his hand."This must just be a small base ment just for finding new Pokemon based on what the grunts said." Ash explained as the ground suddenly opened. They all entered as the door closed behind them. It was dark but thankfully jolteon lit the place up.
Ash stopped and closed his eyes. He felt around with his aura picking up the signatures of everyone in the base.
"I sense about 75 people and 200 pokemon but all the Pokemon are on a high level. You guys have your work cut out for you. It is a small base there is a giant dining room and a living quarters that's it. So when we attack well just be in the dining room because everyone is bound to be woke and see what the commotion is." Ash explained
They slowly descended the stairs until there was only five left.
"Alright Jolteon and Vaporeon, you two go left. Lucario and Flareon you go left. I'll take the two eeves down the middle, got it?" Ash said in a whisper. All the Pokemon nodded "On my signal."
He held up a fist and slowly opened the door. "Now!" He yelled and they all burst through the door into the large room.
There were about ten people in the room and there were about 25 pokemon.
They looked at Ash confused until Ash shot and aura sphere at one of the Pokemon effectively knocking it out cold. Then all Arceus broke loose.
The grunts all responded by taking out all six of they're pokemon and these pokemon were no pushovers they were strong but not strong enough.
Lucario sent out a giant wave to the right knocking out a few pokemon, while Flareon sent out a flamethrower. The two eeves sent out Swift's at the same time.
Vaporeon used water gun and Jolteon sent a thunder bolt on all the water.
Ash charged the grunts sending a giant aura sphere knocking a few grunts into a wall.
All of a sudden the doors opened and all the other occupants of the base streamed in wondering what was happening. When they saw what the commotion was they released all of they're pokemon and charged into battle.
Ash manipulated aura to make a dagger and started slashing, fucking, rolling, and repeat until he decided to ditch the dagger.
He looked around and saw almost half of the grunts and they're pokemon were knocked out. What he didn't notice was a grunt walking up behind him with a k Ife ready to plunge it in his head. Thankfully one of his Eevees noticed and sent a swift right at his head killing them.
Ash turned around and saw the body he looked at his Eevee.
"Thank you Eevee I didn't notice that guy. If it wasn't for you I'd be dead right now. You've grown so much since you were that little thing that hatched from the egg." Ash said very happily.
Eevee cried out in happiness until it shown a blinding white light. When it died down it showed not an Eevee but an Umbreon.
"Umbreon you evolved I'm so proud of you." Ash said "How about you go test out your new moves and help your sister." Ash said smiling.
Umbreon ran off and he turned back to the right.
He noticed a guy walking up to him.
"I'm the leader of this base." He said "You dare trespass on my base I will kill you." He yelled charging
He pulled out a sword and sent a jab at Ash's side. Ash quickly ducked and rolled to the left standing up and summoning a sword made out of aura.
Ash blocked his incoming strike and quickly punched him making him double over in pain.
Ash took this chance to pump aura into his leg and kick him sending him flying into the wall.
He quickly got up and charged slashing at his side. Ash blocked but he didn't expect the guy to pluu out a knife and jab it at his head.
Ash grabbed his fist before the knife connected with his head the leader then kneed Ash somewhere any man would not want to be kneed.
The guy then grabbed his sword and plunged it into his side.
Ash felt burning hot pain and saw white. He screamed so loud he thought he might be heard in Sinnoh.
Good thing the base was sound proof.
All Ash's pokemon looked at they're master and friend with worry but Ash somehow got back out and pulled the sword out of his side.
He then duel wielded aura sword and the enemy sword.
He charged the man and slashed at him from both angles. The man only had a knife to block and even with that he had no time to dodge the swords that we're going at the speed of sound towards him. So he closed his eyes.
There was a sickening sound of a clean cut followed by two thuds.
There was the man completely dead and beheaded.
Ash turned around to see the rest of the base either dead or knocked out.
He also saw his Pokemon looking at him with worry.
"Don't worry I'm fine. Just a little cut see." Ash said lifting his shirt to show a giant hole bleeding so much it. Almost covered his entire side.
All of his Pokemon laughed knowing he was fine.
They all then looked at Umbreon.
"Everyone if you couldn't tell Umbreon evolved!" Ash exclaimed there was a lot of cheering.
Ash then walked up to the computer and started clicking through everything.
About twenty minutes later Ash stopped.
"There is nothing about the other bases in here so it looks like we'll just have to find them on out own." Ash said.
There was a shuffleing noise and Ash looked up there was a grunt goin up the stairs trying to escape.
"Eevee." He said simply as she was the best shot in the building other than him and Lucario and ash didn't have the energy to shoot an aura sphere and it would be too easy for Lucario.
Ash followed Eevee right on her tail.
She finally caught a glimpse of the grunt and fired a deadly sniper like swift at the grunt killing him right at the top of the stairs.
They all walked up the stairs and inspected the body that was partially outside in the forest. Ash could see the sun rising and got a more clear look at the body.
He saw that the swift went through the back and right through the middle of the heart.
"Wow great shot Eevee. That must be your best one yet." Ash said to his Eevee. Said pokemon jumped In his arms nuzzling him affectionately.
Ash started laughing and pulled the Pokemon into a hug.
There was then a bright light and ash could feel the body in his hand getting heavier.
The light died down to show an Espeon.
"Wow congratulations Espeon you evolved." Ash said very happy. "Wow both of you in the same day. I knew you were close but not that close."
'Master sorry to interrupt but should you tell the police and get them to arrest the knocked out members?' Lucario asked in his head.
"Yeah I guess I should." Ash said taking out his pokewatch and dialing a number.
The Pokedex wrung a couple times before it was answered by a day man that always looked happy.
"Ash how's it going, why are you calling at this time." Scott asked
"Hey Scott. I am just going to assume you know of the current criminal situation." Ash asked Scott to which Scott nodded.
"Great well I was walking around this morning and I just so happened to find a team Revenge base with all it's occupants either knocked out or dead." Ash said Scott nodded getting the message. Ash gave Scott the coordinates and hung up.
"Well let's get back to the hotel." Ash dug out his pokeballs and returned all his Pokemon except Lucario.
They walked back the hotel.
"Go to the room." Ash said "I'll be there shortly." Lucario walked into the room and ash walked next door to Gary's room. He took out his spare key and opened the door he took off his hoodie and inspected it for blood. Thankfully there was none but his shirt was absolutely soaked he was surprised he hasn't passed out yet.
He walked into Gary's room. "Gary get up." Ash said. No response.
He walked up to him and started shaking him. "It's too early mom." Gary said. And he rolled over.
Ash had one more idea.
He got on the bed so he was just above Gary's ear and whispered "Gare-bare wake up." In a singsong voice.
Gary instantly shot straight up. "I told you to stop calling me that." Gary yelled.
Ash was laughing really hard but all of a sudden he doubled over in pain.
It was then Gary noticed Ash's shirt was soaked with blood.
"Ash what happened!" Gary yelled shocked
"I found another team revenge base." Ash said nonchalantly.
Gary sighed "come on then let's get you fixed up."
Ash nodded he walked into the kitchen and ash laid on the table.
He took his shirt off and threw it in the garbage which was thirty feet away.
"Three!" Gary yelled laughing Ash only smiled.
Gary took a wet rag and washed the wound when he finished his eyes bugged out.
"Ash how are you alive this goes in almost 8 inches." Gary exclaimed
Ash shrugged "I'm an aura user."
Gary sighed and shook his head.
"This may sting a little." Gary said pulling out the disinfectant.
He sprayed some on him and saw him grimace but no sound was made.
Gary then rapped him up in gauze.
He threw one of his own shirts at Ash who caught it and pulled it over his head. He nodded in thanks.
"Alright now you just have to rest." Gary said.
"Imma crash on your couch. Richie's match is at one so wake me at 11 and I'll make you lunch. Don't tell Jade what happened or she'll freak out." Ash explained he looked at the clock.
He went to the coucjlh and instantly fell asleep.

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