Iced electricity (edited)

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Barry has many secrets and one is he can sing since he was Sebastian smythe in high school but no one other then snart knows. Lenard snart has a secret that no one other then Barry knows and that is that he can sing. The team drags them to a singing/dancing lesson what will happen

Barry's P.O.V
I was working on some stuff in star labs when the team all comes in dragging "why are you guys dragging len" I asked after I ran and moved len away from them and next to what I was working on and continued to work "cause we are going to a dance class" Cisco said before I looked at Len

"center?" I asked him as I changed into my suit "center" Len conformed before I sped to the park in the center of town "I wonder why they wanted us to do the lessons" Len said siting down as he crossed his arms "I know right" I said laying on the ground people were filming us since we were both in our suits

we heard a portal open behind us and the team work out and surround us "guys come on one lesson" joe said "no thanks" Len said aiming his cold gun at them "flash come on ill give you a puppy you have been wanting" iris said "PUPPY" I yelled getting up "fine lets go but I want a puppy too" Len said and I laughed

"so you like puppy's" I said as we got up and went through the portal "shut it Scarlett" Len said "fine" I said as I got dressed in my normal clothes before we went to the singing/dancing lesson "iced electricity" me and Len both said as we stared at the sign "yup" the team said as they dragged us into the building

"hello and welcome to iced electricity singing and dancing lessons and today we will be doing singing and dancing lessons from the warblers "oh flip" I whispered to Len "we are both doomed" Len whispered back "today we are going to be learning the dance and song from the warbler edition 'stand'" a director said

"first lets start by seeing how well you guys can sing" the other director said and at that me and Len both turned white "oh flipper" we both said and everyone looked at us "well you two can go first" the director said making us pale even more "do we have to" we both asked "yup now sing this" the second director said "fine" we both said as we grabbed the lyrics

*after they sang awesomely*

Everyone was frozen with there mouths open "i think we broke them" I said "yup wanna go" Len asked "yup" I said before we both ran out of the building and went to a random building and laughed before starting to sing "oh boy it's starting again lets hit the road and never turn back" I sang

"Lets travel the world and never come back down the same old road that's never gonna let us live our lives" Len sang as we started to dance around "come on boy lets start traveling the world the people here are mean and rude" I sang not seeing the news crew filming us

"sorry boy its a bit more harder then you think come on lets travel through darkness" Len sang he didn't see the news crew either "lets travel to the light side and never go back to the dark side since everyone there hates us" I sang smiling

"oh boy I don't think they like me so can we go to the country side" Len sang smiling "sure lets go and see the country side we can ride horses everywhere" I sang before laughing as we both stopped singing "we need to make more songs together" Len laughed "yes yes we do" I said before seeing the news crew

"uhhh Len turn around" I said seeing them starting to walk closer "ok?" Len said turning around and seeing them "oh hi" he added "hello and sorry for filming you guys without you guys knowing but you guys sing so good" the news person said "thanks" we said before glaring at each other smiling

"what are you guys names" the news person asked holding the mic towards us "I'm Liam storm and he is Sebastian smythe" Len said before getting punched in the shoulder by me "I can introduce myself icey" I said smirking "OW and I know firey" Len said and I glared at him before looking back at the people "anyways I'm guessing your live" I asked

"yeah also do you think we will be able to hear you guys make more songs and let people hear them" she asked us holding the mic out for us to answer "should we Elsa?" I asked him as he glared at me "sure storm" he said as I glared at him "then yes we will make songs and let people listen to them as you heard Jack Frost" I said to the news lady who was laughing at the nicknames

"what me and thunder fall like to call each other nicknames" Len said "I see that anyways thanks for your time and I hope we can hear more songs from you" the lady said before they left "the team is gonna kill us" I said "yup" Len said

*once they get to star labs since they wanted to walk*

"Hi" they both said once they saw the team walk in "explain" was all joe said "hi I'm Sebastian smythe but you know me as Barry Allen and the flash" I smirked and looked at Len as he sighed "hi I'm Liam storm but you know me as Lenard snart and captain cold" Len said and I laughed since we broke them again "wanna go make songs" Len asked "yup come on" I laughed before we walked away

They became famous for their songs but they still were CC and flash

Barry Allen/ Sebastian Smythe one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now