Wake up call

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“Wake up, Shinnrae! Your guests are going to be here soon, and I am here to get you ready for the big day ahead!” Evanlyn called, throwing a dress over Shinnrae’s motionless body spread across the bed.

Shinnrae groaned, wrestling her way out of her tangled quilts and pulling off the dress in annoyance. She sat up, and with a start she smacked right into Evanlyn’s forehead, which was looming over her as she slept.

“Ouch! Please don’t do that again,” she said, rubbing her forehead. Evanlyn was sprawled out on her lap clutching her forehead. She giggled suddenly, rolling over to fetch the gown that Shinnrae had tossed aside.

“What are you doing here?” Shinnrae asked, flopping back down with a sigh. Evanlyn had a red mark on her forehead, and Shinnrae assumed that she had a matching mark also.

“Well,” Evanlyn said. “Caspar went back to the Kingdom and brought your family to you. Right now, they are meeting with the Orderkeeper to discuss some personal matters.”

“Personal matters?”

Evanlyn nodded idly. She pulled to covers off her cousin, exposing her to the icy room temperature. Shinnrae shivered as the cold air bit into her skin and she struggled to bring the covers back over her.

“I can get ready by myself, without you pestering me,” She snapped, but Evanlyn giggled once more. “No, I cannot allow that, as you are so lazy that you would nod back off again!” Shinnrae held back an angry retort. Instead, she just replied, “I am so not lazy.”

Evanlyn just shrugged. “I don’t know about that, Shinnrae. You seem very lazy indeed.”

“Just quit it! I am not lazy, and I command you to leave my presence.”

Evanlyn smiled wryly. “You cannot command me either, Shinnrae. I am the princess, therefore I outrank you.”

“I outrank you, since I am next in line for the throne.”

Shinnrae put her hands on her hips. In verbal disagreements, Shinnrae always won, and that is how she wished it to remain. She wondered if she would be accepted as a diplomat, if given the chance back at Devon. “I, according to what the others say, happen to be the heir of King Arthur, who was the King of all Kings. Therefore, I outrank you as I am the leader of the New Knights of the Roundtable. You, even if you are a princess, owe your life to me, as you are the representative of your mother’s father, Sir Bors the younger.”

Evanlyn bit her lip. “I am going to tell the Orderkeeper on you, if you do not get ready right away.”

Shinnrae exhaled. As usual, when Evanlyn loses the verbal battle, she threatens to tattle on her. Finally, Shinnrae relented. “All right, leave the room and I will be ready soon.”

Evanlyn placed her hands on her hips. “Are you sure you don’t need help?”

“I am sure. Now leave.”

Evanlyn looked at her suspiciously. “Sure. But be out in ten minutes, or I will have to force you into that dress, which probably won’t end well for the either of us, I am sure.”

Shinnrae nodded in displeasure and made a shooing gesture with her hands. Evanlyn closed the door soundly behind her, and Shinnrae heard the quick scuffing sounds that Evanlyn’s small heels made on the slate floor.

Shinnrae looked at the fine gown that Evanlyn left for her. It was simple-looking enough, with plain blue ankle length skirts and tight long sleeves that ended with cuffs at her wrists. She marveled over the fact that she accomplished to do up a dress in her condition.

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