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It is the day when we started it all. When we decided to come together. But little did we know, the day that we came together, would be the same day that we grew apart. I sometimes still look back towards the time when we shone bright among the rest. If we were to be seen together and having fun, we could outshine anything else. We trusted each other more than anything, we loved each other more than anything. The lack of present-tense in these words might've  made a sudden change in the atmosphere. When I first met them, I wouldn't have thought that they would be apart of my family.

It has been one year. One. Year. This year has been tough for the most of us, but we managed to pull through. This day marked a change in our lives. We did something we thought we could never do, we achieved something we thought we could never achieve. This year was a memorable year, but it was only the beginning...

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