Chapter One

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I t was the feverish gossip of the palace maids that got Aidan's atten- tion. He was bent over the rubbish bin, just outside the kitchen. Straightening up, he flicked a vegetable peel from the collar of his uniform and stood in the back doorway, concentrating on the girls' whispers. Several princes from the neighboring planets of the Four Quadrants had been arriving since yesterday, each one more handsome than the last.

Normally, Aidan would brush off anything connected with the royal family—they were hardly his idea of decent human beings—but talk soon turned to the gifts each prince was rumored to be bringing as they all vied for Princess Delia's hand in marriage. The idea of treasures brought in by potential suitors was too tempting to ignore.

With his usual stealth, Aidan slipped into the busy kitchen unnoticed. The other staff barely gave him a second look; it was just the girls, too busy with their own chores to afford him more than a blushing glance.

He spied the deliberate care the head chef took with displaying the flowers beside the array of mini cakes—plus the ornate napkin ring. Aidan knew the valuable piece would end up in his possession by the end of the day. His reflexes were so quick, sometimes all he had to do was notice an object and the next thing he knew, it was in his pocket.

He'd spent years successfully nicking cutlery and palace trinkets during his time as a kitchen chore boy, and had amassed a substantial escape fund. He pictured the almost full metal box under his thin cot.

He was so close to freedom! And with the headaches coming in faster intervals, he knew his time was dwindling.

The chef beckoned one of the serving androids lined up at at- tention, identical in their gray dresses and white aprons. "Take this directly to the guest suite in the east wing," he ordered. "It'll be my head if the prince's tray is late."

The android's lack of emotion made her the perfect victim—or rather innocent accomplice. Aidan watched her carry the tray out of the kitchen, making up a plan on the spot.

Images of a room full of priceless treasures filled Aidan's imag- ination as he waltzed through the bustling kitchen and down the servants' corridor. He was enough of a constant to go unnoticed, plus experience in thieving had taught him that if you looked like you belonged, everyone assumed you did.

Aidan followed the android as she took the service transporter to the upper levels of the palace. The smooth lift swooped to a stop, making his stomach rise and fall. Wordlessly, the servant made her way down the hallway of the east wing. The bright polished area was a stark contrast to his stepfather's cottage on the fringe of the Dark District. Built into the great mountain, the palace still had traces of the hard stone within the walls and floor. It was a perfect combination of technology and raw element.

But Aidan had no use for such luxury at the moment. He was focused on his new goal. The android stopped outside a door, then pressed her palm against the calling pad on the wall. The door slid open.

"Lovely work, darling," Aidan said, reaching up and touching the soft spot behind her ear. There was a click under his finger and the android froze. It was a trick he'd learned a few weeks back while eaves- dropping on the royal android technician—blending in to the point of being invisible had its perks.

Aidan took the tray from her and put on his best fake smile. "Compliments of Her Royal Highness, Princess Delia," he called out, marching into the room. Then he added under his breath, "Heir to the throne, privileged daughter, and all around boring, typical spoiled royal."

He noticed the fancy clothing on the bed. The jacket was adorned with shiny buttons and a pressed collar. Voices came from beyond the smaller door across the way. He couldn't tell if it was a heated conver- sation or a lovers' spat. No matter, all Aidan needed was a few precious seconds to scan the room.

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