The Silence After The Storm

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Kakashi doesn't talk. It's something that Obito had come to terms with. Really, he had.
He knew the smaller man for the most part of his life and somewhen when Obito must have been around seven or so, Kakashi had just stopped talking completely.

And that in itself was fine by him, all they ever had done was arguing anyways. So when the Hatake first fell silent, Obito thought that that would have been the end of being lectured by that idiot the entire time.
But funnily enough, Kakashi was still more than capable to argue with him. Even without his voice. Through gestures and body language and due to the fact that Obito was rather talkative most of the time, it didn't take long for them to start bickering again. In their own way. Obito mostly only received angry disapproval in the form of a frown and a snappishly turned away head, whenever he had offended him.

Kakashi was always utterly silent. Even throughout training, the most they had gotten out of him, was when Rin had hit him with a kick to his chest once during sparring. He had let out a pained groan and when Rin asked him, whether he was okay, Kakashi had grunted an affirmative.

Before today, Obito had only heard talk Kakashi once, when he eavesdropped on a conversation between him and Minato-sensei.

"You can't stay quiet the entire time, Kakashi-kun. Your vocal cords will become damaged if you neglect your voice like that." , their Sensei chided with that caring tone of his that had always hit with Obito. When Sensei corrected him, it had never come from a place of anger or disappointment but rather worry and concern. Obito, not being used to either would always be a little caught off-guard whenever he'd talk to him like that.

"Sensei, I can still talk just fine. I just don't like doing it. I practice when I'm alone.", the child had replied and Minato, bless his gentle soul, had ruffled his hair, his worries apparently eased. Obito hadn't listened further, off to tell Rin that Bakakashi could actually still talk!

This happened around ten years ago. Not once had he heard Kakashi form words since then. Not once had Kakashi used words to communicate with either Rin or him.
They had to drag him physically so that he would come along to eat with them. So that he would at least spend some time with them.

"Kakashi just likes to keep to himself.", Minato-sensei had said, when Obito had asked.

——————— x ——————
If that was really the case, if Kakashi really was just someone who hated being close to anyone then...

Then it really made Obito wonder why Kakashi was crying out his name so desperately.

They were at Obito's apartment, on his bed. Only Obito's jounin pants remaining on him, a few bottles of Sake littered around the bed alog with their clothes.

Kakashi's face was bright red and for someone who seemed to be rendered mute most of the time, the silver haired man sure was vocal.

Anywhere he touched, anywhere he kissed, anywhere he bit, he'd get a reaction out of the Hatake. A small gasp, quickened breath, needy whining.

"Obito, Obito, Obito...", he muttered his name like a prayer, grinding against the raven-haired man and the Uchiha was lying if he'd say that it wasn't the most beautiful sound he has ever heard in his life.

Kakashi's voice was deep, yet soft. Not as rumbling as his own and Obito liked that a lot. The softness suited Kakashi.

Long, skinny fingers grabbed onto Obito's shoulders pulling him against the drunk Hatake.
It had been the first time Obito had drank anything with Kakashi and the Uchiha started to guess why that was.

He put his hands on Kakashi's hips, pulled him against himself, letting Kakashi rub against the fabric of his pants.
The taller one let out a needy whine and trusted his hips against him again, moving in synch with Obito's grinding.

His black eyes looked at Kakashi's reddened face, at the sharp teeth and thin lips and the tiny mole he had always hid behind his mask, letting out such beautiful sounds that were kept behind his muteness.

"Obito..",Kakashi begged, his eyes closed and it was as if all thought was just centered around never making the Jounin stop calling out his name.

Gods above, Obito wanted him so much.

Yet he was scared what this might do to them.
They had never talked, knew next to nothing of each other, despite being on a Team together a while ago.

He likes to keep to himself.
That's pretty much the only thing he had ever truly known about him. And that he used to hate it when Obito was late to training or missions.

The train of thought suddenly left Obito as Kakashi started undoing his pants and freeing his errection. Obito bit his lower lip as he watched his used-to-be teammate wrap firm, if scarred fingers around him, stroking him cruelly slow. The grip tightened and went loose sporadically, driving Obito increasingly insane.

Desperate gasps escape the Uchiha, arching into Kakashi's Fingers that felt like they were simultaneously breaking him apart but also holding him together.

Kakashi hummed, almost to himself before he bent down and licked his tongue over his head enthusiastically, making Obito squirm and groan.

The silver-haired man eventually wrapped his lips around him, sucked, his tongue pressed against the underside of his errection, making Obito groan loudly.
The Uchiha desperately clung to the silver hair of the Hatake. He felt a little dizzy when he saw Kakashi's black eyes looking up at him, almost smug to see that he had the Uchiha's undivided attention.

Kakashi was driving him crazy, leaving him in a foggy, needy, daze that might partly be chalked up to the alcohol buzzing hotly in his system but also to the sheer attractiveness of the lean man that was now sitting on his lap, after torturing him with only a few sucks from that pretty mouth of his, riding his cock while Obito stroke his with determined, fast movements of his hands.
The Uchiha thrusted his hips upwards, sinking deeper into Kakashi and as he let out a throaty cry while digging his fingers into Obito's skin, the Uchiha must have looked somewhat star-struck, still not quite comprehending that this was actually reality and not one of his fantasies.
"Gods, yes... Obito, please!",Kakashi croaked and slammed down on his cock, head thrown back, gasping with each and every time Obito would sink into him.
He had such a sweet voice, he didn't understand why Kakashi hid it for so long.

"Come on, let me hear you.",he muttered with a cocky grin spreading on his face, thrusting at the same spot over and over again, not stopping the motion of his hands.
Kakashi crumbled over the stimulation, he bowed a little, to be able to hold onto Obito a bit tighter, as he tried to met his thrusts with his own, letting out a deep yet heated moan every time Obito sunk into him completely.

It didn't take long before Kakashi came with Obito's name on his lips, spilling onto the Uchiha's hand, who slowly, while not breaking eye-contact, licked Kakashi's cum off of his hands with a pleased smile.

Kakashi was breathing hard, eyes wide, cheeks reddened, bitten lips parted his pupil almost swallowing his iris, as he sat up and looked at Obito.

Obito looked back, eyes a bit wide

Unheard [Kakashi X Obito] R18Where stories live. Discover now