Chapter 2: Valentin

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Lucifer was still fast asleep but the person sat next to him was fidgety and happened to accidentally nudge the teen. The boy quickly woke up and the man who awoke him apologized, but in all honestly, Lucifer didn't mind. He checked the time on his phone and only about half an hour remained before the plane landed. A small smile crawled up his face, knowing he'd soon be in the country he constantly wanted to go to.

After landing, it was almost like a race for who would get out of the plane the fastest, so Lucifer had been pushed about quite a bit before he could finally walk out of the crowded aeroplane.

It was warm in this place, almost too warm for the teen. He raised his hand to his head, and slowly pulled off his ushanka, revealing his light brown tangle of hair that lay mostly flat on his head. He glanced around the large building he was in, only now thinking about how he was going to get home.

"Lucy!" The voice of a man called out his nickname, so the boy immediately turned his attention to the person who called him, and to his surprise, there stood Lucifer's uncle - tall and with raven black hair, accompanied by tanned skin and light green eyes. "Your parents told me you're coming to Spain for a year. I almost didn't recognise you; you've grown so much," the man spoke, a toothy smile on his face.

Lucifer quickly hopped towards his uncle and hugged him tightly. "It's been a while, Ivan," he said, using his uncle's name in a friendly manner, making it seem more like they're friends than family. Ivan hugged back for a short while but soon enough stepped back and noticed the two suitcases that Lucifer had with him.

"Let's get you to my apartment, you'll live there with me for the next year, Lucy," The raven-haired man spoke, taking hold of the larger suitcase. Lucifer nodded and the two of them began to walk side by side. Lucifer tilted his head towards his uncle, who quickly began to speak, "I thought you might want to stretch your legs after getting off that flight. Do you by chance want to go see some horses?" A grin made its way onto Ivan's face, as Lucifer smiled back.

"You know me so well," The boy laughed and the older man put his arm around his shoulders. They continued to trod along the streets like this, passing by countless shops, buildings and people. The sky was clearer in Spain than in Russia, by far, and only a few white clouds messily patched the sky.

Within half an hour worth of walking, they were out of the town and fields could be seen as far as Lucifer's vision reached. In one of the green fields, a large building stood, with a slightly smaller, but much longer stable not far off. Wooden fences surrounded the place, some creating large squares, separate from the rest of the buildings. The ground within those squares was worn out and sandy, with almost no grass inside it, but once Lucifer looked further down, circles out of fences were stood, full of grass and with two or three horses grazing in the areas. Small trees were dotted around, providing some shade for tired or sweaty riders and animals.

The place was perfect. Everything was calm; no animal or human-disturbed the harmony. Well, so thought the boy and his uncle until a loud horse ran past them with a saddle and bridle, but no rider. "Seems like a job for you, Lucky. Hey, could we borrow that horse, we promise to give it back after we catch the one that ran away!" Ivan loudly exclaimed to a young girl, who was stood inside a ring with one white stallion. She looked worried about the horse that ran away but also concerned about lending the horse she was supposed to train.

The brunette nodded her head slowly and stepped back, so Lucifer could get close to the horse. "Don't you need a saddle?" she asked, her voice cracking a bit as she looked at the teenage boy, who was walking towards the stallion.

He smiled, "No need, bareback is fine and that other horse will getaway soon, We should hurry." With that, the boy led the horse towards the fence. He stepped up on one of the lower wooden beams and turned to face the horse, on which he hopped onto. He held onto the bridle and gently kicked his foot back, to which the horse began to trot out of the ring. "I promise to be back soon with both of them,"  Lucifer stated before pushing the white stallion on, into a gallop.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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