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I was in my office thinking about what to give a gift for my best friend's birthday next week. And I can't think straight because my mind is full of Marco's images. I know what I did and said to Marco was harsh. I saw the sadness in his eyes the last time we talked. I shouldn't have said that to him. He was sorry for what he did, and there I was. Instead of accepting it, I insulted him. But he deserved it--me justifying what I did."Someone wants to see you," Linda, my secretary, opened the door."Do I have an appointment today?" Asking her, looking at my laptop."Nope, you don't have. You are free till lunch," She closed the door to call my visitor."What can I do for you?" I heard my door open, but I didn't bother to look because I was busy searching for a gift."I came here to discuss something. I know you don't want to see me, but for the sake of Ash, please hear me out," Marco standing right in front of me.I was surprised to see him in my office. "Okey, go on, I'm listening" that's the only thing I said, and my eyes were back on the laptop, pretending not to care."My sister's birthday will be next week, and I thought of surprising her. So instead of giving her a party. Why don't we go all to Palawan to surprise her?" Marco is still standing, looking as handsome as ever. He came all the way here to talk to me for her sister's birthday. How sweet is that? Stop it, Case."What do you think?" He said, asking for my opinion."I'm in! I think it is a good idea. Ash will be surprised for sure." Answering him with excitement."That's good. I'll go ahead. I will call your office and give you the details once it is finalized." He was about to leave when I called his name."Marco.. hmm, about last week, I want to say sorry for what I said. Can we forget it and let us try to get along?" I stood from my chair. My eyes were on the floor, and I told him without looking at his gaze. There was something in his eyes that I couldn't stand to watch.For a moment there, I saw him smile. Then back to his serious look. Did he just smile?

"Noted," He said and left.

Marco's POV

I could ask my secretary to inform Casey about my sister's birthday plan. I didn't know what came into my mind and decided to tell her about the idea, but I'm glad I did. She wore a floral dress, and her wavy brown hair was down. Casey always wears her glasses, and I found them attractive. I was wondering, how can glasses look good on someone? Maybe it's just her. She was sitting in her chair and didn't look at me when I entered her office. I saw a surprised look when she finally realized who was talking in front of her."Okey, go on, I'm listening," that's the only thing she said, and her eyes were on her laptop again. As if she is not interested in what I'm saying.

I decided to tell her what I had in mind and when I was through, I was glad she liked it. She even commented that it was a good idea. As I was about to leave, she called my name and said sorry for what happened last time we talked. She stood up and couldn't help but smile a bit. She's not even looked me in the eye while saying sorry. Actually, I felt relieved that somehow we were finally talking to each other.

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Photo not mine CTTO 😊

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