How The World Ended

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The family gathered around the television in their living room. John, the father, was held close to his wife, Emily, who was holding her two children, Tommy and Susie. They were waiting for the important broadcast to come on. John had been dreading this day ever since it was announced. Susie, the youngest in the family only starting the first grade last month, had no comprehension of the situation. She just sat there with her family, wondering why Daddy was trying so hard not to cry. Why Mommy had cried every night that week. Why Tommy seemed so sad lately. She didn't understand it.
There was a small flash that came on the screen, before the static. The image faded to a man in a suit at a desk. His hair was neat. His face was worried. His tie was crooked a bit, not too much. His eyes were watery.
He started to speak, "Good afternoon, people of America." He was reading off the paper he held on his desk. "As some of you have heard, this is our last day here on earth. I'm sorry, I could not find any other way to say it. This is the end." Susie began her attention after he said that. "I have some things I'd like to say before the broadcast shall end. First off, an apology. The events that have lead up to this decision have been at the fault of our governments. But, that does not mean to blame only them. What I've noticed in my over sixty years of being on this planet, is that people are horrible creatures. And sometimes we let our desires become the best of us. Some of us are afraid of the world. Fear leads to hate. Hate leads to war. All of us have hatred in us. I've noticed many selfish people in the government world. People who want what they want for themselves. People who've killed for their own selfish desires. People like me, who is going to ruin an entire country for the salvation of others. For the salvation of me. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let people be killed as heroes anymore. Tonight, we are all heroes."
John cursed at the screen, tears running down his face. Emily cried on Johns shoulder. Tommy was shaking. Susie wondered what she was going to learn in school next week.
Ten hours passed before the aircraft could be seen in the sky above America. A vessel larger than life. Built to drop a bomb strong enough to wipe out the entire land. As it centered itself above the country, it was seen by every person of every state. A large ship in the sky. Seemingly tiny by perspective. But, in reality, larger than life. The sounds of the engines breathing out fumes could be heard from all over. Sparking flickering. Lights flashing. An alarm went off. Counting down the drop. A loud siren, calling all over. The pilots left their stations inside the ship. Caption Henry Miles stood at his place for a little longer after every left. He looked at the sight below him, realizing that in the following moments it will be nothing but black ash.
"Captain Miles, we're ready for launch. Orders from the president." head pilot Colin McGleen said walking to him. Henry did not look at the head pilot. He instead ignored his orders. "Captain Miles!" McGleen shouted in his right ear. Henry flinched, and moved his hand towards the red launch button in front of him. His hand shook with fear. He hesitated.
"I won't do it." Henry said, putting his arm down.
McGleen took the pistol from his side and fired into Henry's brain. Blood splattering on his clothes. He moved the body over and pressed the button himself, before firing another into his mouth. The ship spewed smoke from its middle area, before separating into two. Flames carried through the ship, catching every member of the crew. The bomb revealed itself through the smoke from the fire. Falling down. Faster and faster. The phrase "SELFISH SCUM!" was sprayed onto the side of the bomb. Some people watched the bomb drop. Others did not find the courage to watch, and instead sat in their homes. Susies family cuddled together until the heat of the bomb made them no more. Everything went black. Everything was because of hate. Hate killed the world.
The ground caved in on itself. There were flames as high as New York City buildings. Everything fell apart. Everyone's dignity went down with the country. There were no survivors. There was nothing but hate. And anger. And flame.

The End

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