Chapter 1

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Author's note:

Milly- She/They

Samantha- She/Her

This story contains smut and mentions of alcohol abuse and addiction. Read at your own risk

Chapter 1

Bling. A text message radiates toward me from across the room. I jolt awake from my drunken sleep and stumble across the room. "Ugh Its Milly " I toss my phone across the room. I slump down and press my back against my bed and cry. Streams of tears roll down my cheek like Niagara Falls. "I...dont know why...Im... c..c..crying"

I slur every word. Then, my phone rings continuously. "Milly doesnt know when to stoooop." I hang my head then whip it around to stare at my phone. I pick up my phone. "H...hhello?" I slur. Milly speaks in a gentle tone. "Samantha? Are you...drunk?" I gag quietly and almost vomit all over my dress. "Uhhh. I don't know Mi-" I throw up the 6 glasses of whiskey I had in the last hour. "Samantha? Did you just- I'm coming over! You cant stop me! We're good friends now, so you have to let me in" They hang up on me. I throw my phone across my room and a huge thud echoes in my ears. I begin to cry again. I sit there sobbing for 10 minutes then I hear a knock at my door. "I'm" once again I gag.

I open the door to Milly, my ex-girlfriend. "You l-look beautiful " I whisper. She takes me by the hand and sets my down on the couch. She just...stares at me. "I-I dont understand Sam, why did you drink? I thought you were sober." She is obviously trying to stop her self from crying. "Well uhhhh you kinda broke up with me yeah." They still look like a goddess to me. I lose my breath every time I see them. "We need to get you dressed. You're covered in vomit." She is carrying me to my room now. I miss being with them. She undresses me to where I'm wearing nothing but my underwear. "My boobs are completely exposed" I thought to myself. I notice Milly's eyes linger on my breasts. I chuckle "Huh, like what you see?" Milly leans closer toward me and looks at my lips. I move my hands from my sides onto their shoulders. "Milly, what're you doing? you're... you're married now, and-and I'm drunk."

Milly and I were interrupted by her phone ringing. "Ugh its Mike I'll be right back." She walks out the door and speaks to Mike. Ugh Mike. That's Milly's "perfect husband". He sucks ass. Hes awful to Milly. I just want him to die. I quickly get dressed in my drunken stupor and press my ear to the wall so I can listen. "What? Mike!! Why are you doing this... please dont do it, I just wanted to be friends I simply dont lo-. Okay I wont say it, but pl-please dont kill my sister.. she has nothing to do with us. I p-promise... no I'm not at Samantha's house. I told you I'm out with frien- damn it! He hung up on me. She turns the door knob and I jolt back from the bedroom door. I stare at them as she walks into the room. "I uhm- I have to go. That was Mike. The kids are acting up again. Call you later" Milly says as she swiftly rushes out the door. I could tell that's a lie. The kids aren't "acting up", they're trying to save their sisters life because Mike's a goddamn psychopath! But Milly "loves" him.... But not anymore.

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